Millie Weaver

Millie Weaver on Election Day Coup

Leftist protest groups plot election day coup aided by the Democrat Party, Federal employees & Intelligence contractors. - They plan to shut down &...
Biden-Harris Ticket

“The bad news is” creepy uncle Joe strikes again

Joe Biden made a campaign stop in Florida and made a remark to a group of traditional Haitian dancers. “Good news is, for me,...
Man and Woman by Bernie Sanders

Man and Woman by Bernie Sanders

Presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders, wrote an article called Man and Woman that was published in the Vermont Freeman in mid-February 1972. The article...
Los Angeles County School District

L.A. County Schools won’t open until “after the election” says County Health Director

Los Angeles County Health Director, Barbara Ferrer, saying the reopening timeline for Los Angeles County Schools would come sometime after the November 2020 election. Barbara...

Rep. Ritchie Torres Dem from NY wants fence built around Capitol

On January 15, 2021, Rep. Ritchie Torres, a democrat from New York's 15 district, proposed H.R.339, a bill to direct the Architect of the...
Political Folly

Video Playlist: Political Folly

Just need to laugh at someone else's expense. Politically Folly will help you do that. Go ahead, we're laughing with you, or possibly at you.
President Joe Biden 2021 Portrait

Biden Robot Invented Just in Time for Debates (Satire)

The Biden campaign is proud to announce that it's invented a lifelike Joe Biden robot with the help of a Chinese A.I. company. The six-foot-tall...
Colin Kaepernick wearing pig socks

Ben & Jerry’s Partners with Colin Kaepernick

Ben & Jerry's has honored Colin Kaepernick with a new ice cream flavor. Colin Kaepernick is the individual who wore sox with images of...
US Gov’t Funding 'Disinformation' Video Game 'Cat Park,' Leaked State Dept Memo Reveals

US Gov’t Funding ‘Disinformation’ Video Game ‘Cat Park,’ Leaked State Dept Memo Reveals

The United States government produced a cat-themed “disinformation” video game to “inoculate” young people against populist news content.
Nancy Pelosi mocks a reporter

Pelosi Mocks Reporter Who Asks About Trump’s Due Process! Calls Him “Mr. Republican Talking...

Rep. Nancy Pelosi had another of her Thursday press conferences with the media but this one took a different tact than she regular gives. David...

Climate Change™ Roundup: Transgender Indonesian Streetwalkers Aggrieved by Weather

Climate Change™ policy, not invented Climate Change™, poses threat not just to democracy. but to humanity itself — just not in the way Trudeau wishes to convey.
Police Officers investigate at the scene of a shooting in Brooklyn.

A Weekend of Violence in New York City

Violence in New York City in one weekend included 63 shootings between 12:01 a.m. June 12, 2020 and 7 a.m. Sunday, June 14, 2020,...