Outspoken Billionaire Says He’s Considering Voting for Trump

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Bill Ackman wrote he is considering the move after voting for Joe Biden in 2020.

Bill Ackman, a billionaire hedge fund manager who is vocal on social media, said Wednesday that he is considering voting for President Donald Trump in the forthcoming 2024 election.

During an exchange on X, formerly known as Twitter, Mr. Ackman wrote that he won’t vote for President Joe Biden. “For anyone who is still confused on the topic, I am not voting for Biden,” he said.

The billionaire added that while he voted for President Trump in 2016, he cast a ballot in favor of President Biden in 2020. But now, he wrote he is “open to voting for [President Trump]” again. “I will share whom I am supporting when I make my decision closer to the election. I like to preserve optionality,” he added.

Mr. Ackman, the chief executive of Pershing Square Capital Management, has been outspoken about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs at top U.S. colleges, namely his alma mater Harvard University. In recent days, he’s been critical of sometimes violent pro-Palestinian protests at colleges, while alleging that the demonstrators and campus staff have increasingly displayed anti-Semitic viewpoints since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack in Israel.

“Whether you care about Israel or antisemitism, or what’s going on in university campuses, the DEI ideology and the problems with it, I think these are universal concerns for people in the finance industry,” he said in a recent interview with the Calcalist website, noting that he has “always” identified as being Jewish.

It’s not clear from Mr. Ackman’s posts if he will donate to President Trump’s campaign or if he will opt to back a third-party candidate like independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

His comments came after it was revealed that more and more wealthy donors have been providing President Trump’s campaign with cash during the first quarter of 2024, helping him narrow the fundraising divide between him and President Biden.

By Jack Phillips

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