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Stop Being Tricked Reading Food Labels

Why Learning to Read Food Labels Is Crucial for Better Health

Nutrition facts labels on foods haven’t slowed America’s appetite for unhealthy ingredients—even with update requiring “added sugars” be in larger, bold fonts.
Silverware Clock

One Form of Fasting May Bring Benefits More Quickly Than Others

Dry fasting, meaning abstaining from water in addition to food, may offer more rapid healing, but necessitates a slower, more deliberate approach.
Magical, Mysterious, and Sometimes Dangerous Food Ingredients That Are Impossible to Pronounce

Magical, Mysterious, and Sometimes Dangerous Food Ingredients That Are Impossible to Pronounce

Some food additives are linked to chronic diseases like cancer, depression, anxiety, and and even cognitive decline. They may even be addictive.

Can ‘Higher Cholesterol’ Be a Sign of Good Health? What Health Stats Across 160...

But is cholesterol—and LDL cholesterol in particular—really the arch enemy of health that we’ve been led to believe?
Omega 6 fatty acid may lower bipolar risk, finds study

Fatty Acid Deficiency May Contribute to Bipolar Disorder: Study

What if a simple dietary tweak could help shield against highs and lows of bipolar disorder and it's a nutrient found in foods like eggs, seafood, and chicken.
What is a Calprotectin test?

A Cheap, Easy Test for Gut Inflammation, Alzheimer’s

The calprotectin biomarker test stands at the crossroads to help direct physicians and patients to appropriate focused care for gut and brain symptoms.

Trojan Tomato: A New GMO is Designed to Infiltrate America’s Gardens

Gardeners can buy a new seed, a genetically modified tomato the FDA barely looked at and GMO proponents hope will win Americans over to more modified foods.

Abigail Shrier’s ‘Bad Therapy’ Exposes How Therapeutic Culture Harms Children

Preventive mental health therapy for children may be doing more harm than good—and there’s research to prove it, Abigail Shrier suggests in book “Bad Therapy.”

Surprising Ways to Heal Our DNA After COVID Injuries

Sitting quietly may seem uneventful, but it can affect many important things happening inside our body, including DNA healing. This is real science.

The Essential Guide to Diverticulitis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Natural Approaches

Over half of Americans aged 60 and above have pouches called diverticula in their colons, which can become inflamed or infected (diverticulitis).
Medicinal Mushrooms: Cordyceps, Reishi, and Lion’s Mane

Medicinal Mushrooms: Cordyceps, Reishi, and Lion’s Mane

The medicinal mushroom market is booming. Three of the most popular mushrooms have remarkable therapeutic potential to improve health.
Doctors, Dictators, and the Medical Autocracy

Doctors, Dictators, and the Medical Autocracy

“A majority [of both physicians and nurses] agreed that a major barrier to the treatment of lifestyle-related conditions is patients’ unwillingness to change their habits.”