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Here’s Your Coronavirus Survival Guide

(Video Above) “The Dr. Oz Show” host Dr. Mehmet Oz gives tips for staying healthy during and outbreak of of coronavirus on Fox Business's...

‘Brain Eating’ Amoeba Territory Is Expanding, Here’s How Swimmers Can Avoid Contact

A hidden danger, Naegleria fowleri—better known as a brain-eating amoeba—lives within many of America's waterways, but it can be avoided.

How Abortion’s Are Performed and Questions About Abortion

Above, Dr. Anthony Levatino describes four abortion procedures, covering the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. For more information, visit https://www.abortionprocedures.com/ Questions...
What is a Calprotectin test?

A Cheap, Easy Test for Gut Inflammation, Alzheimer’s

The calprotectin biomarker test stands at the crossroads to help direct physicians and patients to appropriate focused care for gut and brain symptoms.

Expert Explains Cancer May Be Metabolic Disease, and Shares a Cure

Once people understand that cancer is a metabolic disease, then you will begin to see a big reduction in death and greatly improved quality of life and survival.
Fertilisation in an IVF facility

Researchers Create New Micro Device That Could Boost Infertility Treatments

Australian researchers have created micro device that has potential to increase availability and success of male infertility treatment ICSI.
Statin Tablets

Statins: The Lesser-Known Dangers, and a Good Alternative

For decades, statins—the most common cholesterol-lowering medications—have been recognized as a lifesaver for those with heart disease. While statins have revolutionized heart health in...
Healthy Olive Oil

Healthy Olive Oil Buying and Cooking Guide

Did You know that olive oil can be one of the healthiest fats in your diet? It's true, but only if you buy real olive oil....

The Food Cure for Cancer

There are a striking number of cancer survivors who successfully manage their conditions with a range of treatments and lifestyle changes.

Sharp Rise in Small Cells After 5G Rollout: A Concern for Microwave Syndrome and...

Individuals with microwave syndrome may develop symptoms like dizziness, insomnia, pain, and mood and memory problems when exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
Silverware Clock

One Form of Fasting May Bring Benefits More Quickly Than Others

Dry fasting, meaning abstaining from water in addition to food, may offer more rapid healing, but necessitates a slower, more deliberate approach.

Osteoporosis Is Scurvy of the Bone, Not Calcium Deficiency

It saddens me to see older women diagnosed with “osteopenia” or “osteoporosis” taking supplemental calcium and even problematic drugs called bisphosphonates.