Gluten Often Causes Brain Symptoms, Not Gut Symptoms

Research shows gluten sensitivity manifests in the brain—not the gut, and researchers refer to gluten sensitivity as a neurological disease.
Saviour Before and After

Severely Beaten and Left Alone to Die, Boy Becomes ‘Happiest Child’ After Rescue and...

A battered child, outcast by his family on suspicion of being a witch, was on death’s door when an NGO found him alone on the...
America's Newsroom

Seattle’s Homelessness and Drug Dealing is Exploited by Unwillingness to Enforce Laws and Policies

Watch the latest video at SEATTLE -- Impressive job growth and high wages have people flocking to this city. The population has increased 18...

New Generation of Livestock Drugs Linked to Cancer

As U.S. regulators restrict antibiotic use, livestock producers turn to vaccines, hormones, and other problematic drugs.

Why You Need an Emergency Kitchen—and How to Build One

Plan to have nutritious meals even in a prolonged crisis In the wake of a disaster, having a plan and these long-term basics will help...

Debunking the Dogma About Fat Series

In this series, we will break down the actual health effects of vegetable oils and whether they are better alternatives to saturated fats.

Surprising Ways to Heal Our DNA After COVID Injuries

Sitting quietly may seem uneventful, but it can affect many important things happening inside our body, including DNA healing. This is real science.

How Abortion’s Are Performed and Questions About Abortion

Above, Dr. Anthony Levatino describes four abortion procedures, covering the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. For more information, visit Questions...

Glutamate: A Neuron Killer in Disguise

Research links presence of too much glutamate in the brain to some of the most unsettling ailments of our day, including Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and others.
Omega 6 fatty acid may lower bipolar risk, finds study

Fatty Acid Deficiency May Contribute to Bipolar Disorder: Study

What if a simple dietary tweak could help shield against highs and lows of bipolar disorder and it's a nutrient found in foods like eggs, seafood, and chicken.
Medicinal Mushrooms: Cordyceps, Reishi, and Lion’s Mane

Medicinal Mushrooms: Cordyceps, Reishi, and Lion’s Mane

The medicinal mushroom market is booming. Three of the most popular mushrooms have remarkable therapeutic potential to improve health.

NY Bill To End Declawing Cats, But What About Killing Babies?

The state of New York has finally passed legislation that will protect innocent lives from needless suffering. Oops, it's not unborn babies they are protecting....