Think Twice: 7 Tests Doctors Recommend That You Might Not Need

Unnecessary screenings may lead to unwarranted stress, false positives, and harmful exposure—here's why you might want to reconsider them.
Micronutrients and the Brain

Micronutrients Help Protect Against Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Discover the nutrients vital for protecting your mind. Forgetfulness and shaky hands were once considered typical signs of aging. But as degenerative brain diseases like...

Breakthrough Study ‘Infects’ Animals With Alzheimer’s Through Microbiome

Fecal transplants from symptomatic patients into sterile rats induces cognitive deficits and neurodegeneration—early signs of Alzheimer’s. 

The Ultimate Guide to Kicking Sugar

Explore the good and bad sugars and sweeteners, including popular natural ones, uncover unexpected outcomes of cutting out sugar, and discover how to do so.

Nature’s Arsenal: 7 Medicinal Plants for COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment

Research suggests that numerous naturally occurring plants with medicinal properties can play a role in preventing or mitigating COVID-19 impact.

Sharp Rise in Small Cells After 5G Rollout: A Concern for Microwave Syndrome and...

Individuals with microwave syndrome may develop symptoms like dizziness, insomnia, pain, and mood and memory problems when exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
A Mothers Warning

A Mothers Warning: The Ships We Built

My husband took our kids to the public library. My son got a random book with a cute cover. It turned out to be about a girl who is confused about being a boy.
Statin Tablets

Statins: The Lesser-Known Dangers, and a Good Alternative

For decades, statins—the most common cholesterol-lowering medications—have been recognized as a lifesaver for those with heart disease. While statins have revolutionized heart health in...

New Research Validates Autism’s Link to Gut

Researchers identified microbial signature for autism spectrum disorder, a finding offering clarity about how gut microbiome influences neurological syndrome.

USDA Researchers Contend Ultra-Processed Foods Can Make Up 91 Percent of Healthy Diet

Government-endorsed study asserting a diet heavy in ultra-processed foods can remain balanced and nutritious elicited sharp criticism among nutrition researchers.

Debunking the Dogma About Fat Series

In this series, we will break down the actual health effects of vegetable oils and whether they are better alternatives to saturated fats.

Looking Beneath the Edipeel Produce Coating

Is this new protective coating for fruits and vegetables a cure for food waste or a potential health hazard? Fruits and vegetables are healthy food...