Fathers composite by The Epoch Times

Children From Fatherless Homes Most at Risk for Mental Health, Behavioral Issues: Report

Roughly one in four U.S. children are living in fatherless homes, causing undeniable negative effects on the children’s behavior and mental health.

Fasting: A Game Changer for Spike Protein Injuries, Potentially Combats Alzheimer’s and Cancer

Numerous doctors treating long COVID and COVID vaccine injuries now suggest fasting as a potential therapy for overall symptom improvement.

Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year, so What Is the Alternative?

Ibuprofen linked to increased risk of heart attack, cardiac and all-cause mortality (with aspirin), and has over two dozen serious adverse health effects.

Natural Immunity Is as Protective as COVID Jab

Natural Immunity decreases risk of hospitalization and death from a COVID reinfection by way more than the jab. This should be game over for vaccination program.

You May Not Need Statins, Even With Elevated ‘Bad’ Cholesterol

The answer to lowering cholesterol to prevent heart attack or stroke was a statin prescription, but statins have side effects and their efficacy is questioned.

Patients Taking Antidepressants Become Emotionally Numb, Researchers Investigate Why

Commonly-prescribed antidepressants can cause patients to become emotionally numb by affecting key cognitive function allowing people to learn from their actions.

Osteoporosis Is Scurvy of the Bone, Not Calcium Deficiency

It saddens me to see older women diagnosed with “osteopenia” or “osteoporosis” taking supplemental calcium and even problematic drugs called bisphosphonates.

Expert Explains Cancer May Be Metabolic Disease, and Shares a Cure

Once people understand that cancer is a metabolic disease, then you will begin to see a big reduction in death and greatly improved quality of life and survival.
COVID-19 Spike Protein

EXCLUSIVE: Signs You Have a Spike Protein Blood Clot, and What to Do About...

In this two-part paper, we aim to give an overview on COVID-19 related abnormal blood clots, how they form, how to detect them early,...
Fibrous clots found in corpses

Why Spike Protein Causes Abnormal Blood Clots, 200 Symptoms

In this two-part paper, we aim to give an overview on COVID-19 related abnormal blood clots, how they form, how to detect them early,...

5 Tips to Boost Your Immune System and Your Gut Health

Did you know that your gut health and your digestive tract are closely tied to your immune system? There is a strong link between the two.
COVID-19 Spike Protein

6 Main Factors Increase Risk of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury

Why do some people report adverse events after COVID-19 vaccinations while some do not? This question is central to the controversy of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events.