Healthy Olive Oil

Healthy Olive Oil Buying and Cooking Guide

Did You know that olive oil can be one of the healthiest fats in your diet? It's true, but only if you buy real olive oil....
Red Meat and Vegetables

More Red Meat and Good Health? This Is Where the Atlantic Diet Fits In 

But new research is spotlighting a lesser-known but potentially equally beneficial diet with a surprise allowance for more red meat: the Atlantic diet.

Harvesting Livers From Unborn Babies Extracted From the Womb

From ~ President Trump’s pro-life administration showed transformative leadership this week, prohibiting government laboratories from trafficking in aborted baby parts and intensifying the protection of...

Existing Cancer Therapy Demonstrates Significant Effect Against Other Cancers: Study

Approved cancer therapeutic, once used in 1 percent of cancers, may have significant uses in the remaining 99 percent, according to a study.

Nature’s Arsenal: 7 Medicinal Plants for COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment

Research suggests that numerous naturally occurring plants with medicinal properties can play a role in preventing or mitigating COVID-19 impact.

Natural Immunity Is as Protective as COVID Jab

Natural Immunity decreases risk of hospitalization and death from a COVID reinfection by way more than the jab. This should be game over for vaccination program.

‘Re-homing’: America’s shocking trade in unwanted children | 60 Minutes Australia

If you think America is the heart of modern civilization, this story will surely change your mind. There, a trade in unwanted children exists...

Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year, so What Is the Alternative?

Ibuprofen linked to increased risk of heart attack, cardiac and all-cause mortality (with aspirin), and has over two dozen serious adverse health effects.
Jerry Sandusky

Jerry Sandusky Gets 30 To 60 Years For Child Sex Abuse

AND NOW, October 9, 2012, effective this date, the sentence of thie court is that you, GERALD A. SANDUSKY, shall be committed to the...

Abigail Shrier’s ‘Bad Therapy’ Exposes How Therapeutic Culture Harms Children

Preventive mental health therapy for children may be doing more harm than good—and there’s research to prove it, Abigail Shrier suggests in book “Bad Therapy.”
Kathi Aultman

Kathi Aultman Speaks Out On Her Pro-Life Conversion

Former Planned Parenthood medical director and OBGYN, Dr. Kathi Aultman, speaks out about her Pro-Life conversion. Dr. Kathi Aultman shares her emotional journey...

How health care is benefiting from telemedicine

InTouch CEO Joe DeVivo on the benefits of telemedicine, the company's acquisition of TruClinic and efforts to make health care more efficient.