Why Is Everyone on CPAP Machines?

According to the inventor of the CPAP, the machine was never intended to be a lifelong solution, yet the majority of users rely on it night after night.

The Most Efficient Way to Boost Gut Health, Better Than Any Amount of Probiotics

If you lack vitamin D, you are prone to osteoporosis, but vitamin D also has a large impact on your intestinal health.

‘Re-homing’: America’s shocking trade in unwanted children | 60 Minutes Australia

If you think America is the heart of modern civilization, this story will surely change your mind. There, a trade in unwanted children exists...
Silverware Clock

One Form of Fasting May Bring Benefits More Quickly Than Others

Dry fasting, meaning abstaining from water in addition to food, may offer more rapid healing, but necessitates a slower, more deliberate approach.

Debunking the Dogma About Fat Series

In this series, we will break down the actual health effects of vegetable oils and whether they are better alternatives to saturated fats.

The ‘Big Gun’ Against Viruses and Bacteria

Oregano can fight viruses and bacteria during cold and flu season and year-round—with teas and extractions, as an essential oil, or in culinary preparations.

Vaccine White Papers

At the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), you are the authority over your health choices and those of your children. In a medical world...
Disability Etiquette Tips

Tips On Interacting With People With Disabilities

United Spinal’s Disability Etiquette Publication Offers Tips On Interacting With People With Disabilities IntroductionThe United States Census Bureau reports that approximately 56.7 million Americans have a disability....
WanaBana Apple Cinnamon Puree Pouch

Recalled WanaBana Puree Still on Dollar Tree Shelves: FDA

WanaBana Apple Cinnamon Puree, a product potentially contaminated with lead, was still being sold at Dollar Tree stores despite a recall that began last month.

Leukemia Treatment Virtually Eradicates Cancer, Kills ‘Pounds’ Of Cancerous Cells

Huffington Post ~ A new leukemia treatment is wowing even the researchers behind its creation, providing results beyond their wildest expectations. It's virtually eradicated cancerous leukemia cells...
Shark named Grace for hit and run victim Grace Sulak

Shark gets named after hit and run victim Grace Sulak

Chip Michalove, a fisherman and charter boat captain in South Carolina, hooked a massive shark that was 5-foot long and weighed in at 2,800-pound. “We’re naming her Grace, after an aspiring marine biologist Grace Sulak who was killed in a hit and run [on] May 7, 2016 on I-26,” Michalove wrote in the Facebook post.
Image of an eye.

What Are These Things Floating in Front of My Eyes?

See small mosquitoes and flies in front of your eyes is known as “eye floater syndrome” or “eye floaters” or muscae volitantes.