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Pastimes on TheThinkingConservative.com includes the compelling and curious, talent, health & safety, holidays, pets social networking, sports, technology and more.

Missing some merry

While traditional mailed Christmas cards have not yet gone the way of the dinosaurs or rotary phones, they are travelling quickly down a one-way, dead-end street.

Human Trafficking / Slavery

Many people think that human trafficking only takes place in other countries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-2i-bwMtKk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVnvECAEvxQ But it also takes place in America: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAH4dK0wH04 Its happening in Los Angeles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kdwfog_KZI Stories of survivors https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=W5u2IUF8JUw Slavery...

Telemedicine puts a doctor virtually at your bedside

Telemedicine technology can now connect patients and physicians almost instantaneously, offering convenience, efficiency and savings. But what happens to the doctor-patient relationship if you're...

20 Best Travel Destinations 2020

Don't you love the feeling of exploring a destination you've never been to? AlexTheVagabond does too. Using his best 4K footage from...
Multiple Sclerosis typically manifests between the ages of 20 and 40

The Essential Guide to Multiple Sclerosis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Natural Approaches

Different types of MS vary in their progression. Identifying a patient’s specific type of MS aids in anticipating its course and making informed treatment choices.
The March For America

The March For America Marched For America!

For the past few months, we have seen chaos, division, and hatred in our streets. Statues have been destroyed, Police Officers and other innocent...
American Thought Leaders

Sex Trafficking Special Episode

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVzLmfmiCLg&list=PLKDm1nJ92oeteR9gVT4l0MA7iU2BCStWT How Predators Lured My Daughter Into Sex Trafficking—Kelly Litvak Did you know that right now, 79,000 children are being sex-trafficked in the state of...

The Essential Guide to Diverticulitis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Natural Approaches

Over half of Americans aged 60 and above have pouches called diverticula in their colons, which can become inflamed or infected (diverticulitis).

How to Prepare for Food Shortages, Hard Times on a Shoestring Budget: Preppers’ Advice

Most people don’t bother to prepare for uncertain times until it’s too late. It’s the “ant and the grasshopper” parable on a human scale.
A Strong Family for Every Child

A Strong Family for Every Child

Olive Crest is dedicated to preventing child abuse, to treating and educating at-risk children, and to preserving the family One life at a time....

Why Is Everyone on CPAP Machines?

According to the inventor of the CPAP, the machine was never intended to be a lifelong solution, yet the majority of users rely on it night after night.
COVID-19 Spike Protein

EXCLUSIVE: Signs You Have a Spike Protein Blood Clot, and What to Do About...

In this two-part paper, we aim to give an overview on COVID-19 related abnormal blood clots, how they form, how to detect them early,...