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Pastimes on TheThinkingConservative.com includes the compelling and curious, talent, health & safety, holidays, pets social networking, sports, technology and more.

ABC News: Treatment of Children With Mind-Altering Drugs

ABC NEWS U.S. Government Fails to Oversee Treatment of Foster Children With Mind-Altering Drugs By DR. MARK ABDELMALEK, BRINDA ADHIKARI, SARAH KOCH, JOSEPH DIAZ and CLAIRE...
Mental Diagnosis

Psychiatry’s Bible, The DSM, Doing More Harm Than Good

About a year ago, a young mother called me, extremely distressed. She had become seriously sleep-deprived while working full-time and caring for her dying...
Social Networking

How Social Networking And Jealousy Affect Your Love Life

Facebook Relationship Problems: How Social Networking And Jealousy Affect Your Love Life Lots of us use Facebook as a convenient way of receiving information about...

Veteran’s Day – Lambeau Field 11/14/11

The Green Bay Packers’ Monday night game against the Minnesota Vikings was dedicated to showing appreciation to the U.S. Military through a variety of...

Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation

The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation honors the sacrifice of firefighter Stephen Siller who laid down his life to save others on September...
Explore SINCE 9/11

Since 9/11

SINCE 9/11 is a UK educational charity set up on tenth anniversary of September 11th 2001 to ensure the legacy of 9/11 is one that builds hope from tragedy. 

Jack Vidgen Winner of Australia’s Got Talent 2011

Winner of Season 5 of Australia's Got Talent 2011, Jack Vidgen began singing at the age of 3. At the age of 14 he...

Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation

A Humpback Whale who was caught up in fishing nets in the Sea of Cortez shows amazing appreciation to Michael Fishbeck and his family...

Wonderful Older Couple Enjoy Playing the Piano Together

An elderly couple walked into the lobby of the Mayo Clinic for a checkup and spotted a piano. They've been married for 62 years...
The University of Tennessee’s supercomputer, Kraken

UT’s Kraken Supercomputer First Academic Computer to Break Petascale

KNOXVILLE — The University of Tennessee’s supercomputer, Kraken, has broken a major barrier to become the world’s first academic supercomputer to enter the petascale,...

Tucker Carlson & Elena Grinenko – Cha-Cha-Cha on Dancing With The Stars.

It's political journalist Tucker Carlson on Dancing With The Stars and he's doing the Cha-Cha-Cha with World American Rhythm Champion, Elena Grinenko. Welcome back to...

Best Audience Duets with Josh Groban

Josh Groban solicits audience requests, inviting someone from the audience to sing with him. Here are some of the best audience duets with Josh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPcuZieBAeE&list=RDgPcuZieBAeE&index=1