Pierre Kory, MD, MPA continuously writes on what he see from the center of a worldwide network of ideologically committed physicians, data scientists, and health advocates trying to “fix” national and global health systems that have been captured and failed in the response to COVID-19. This substack is Dr. Kory’s wholly independent venture, and is neither affiliated with nor a source of revenue to the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.
- New Study Provides Legal Support For The Vaccine Injured
- NY Vaccine Clinics Called Ambulances To Be "On Standby" - FOIA
- NY Vaccine Clinics Called EMS To Be "On Standby"
- The FDA's Relentless Persecution Of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski
- The FDA's Relentless Persecution Of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski
- Draft 15
- Draft 14
- Draft 13
- Draft 12
- Draft 11
- Draft 10
- Draft 9
- Draft 8
- Draft 7
- Draft 6