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Powell Says Fed Needs to See Better Inflation Readings

Fed Keeps Rates Unchanged, Signals One Rate Cut This Year

Fed policymakers say ’there has been modest further progress’ toward restoring price stability. The Federal Reserve left its key interest rate policy unchanged on Wednesday,...
Social Security Money

Social Security Will No Longer Withhold 100 Percent of Monthly Benefits to Recover Overpayments

Lawmakers have criticized the 100 percent withholding policy as being a burden to vulnerable Americans dependent on their benefits.
Wall Street Sign

New York Stock Exchange Abandons Plan to Control America’s Natural Resources

‘Very few people understand how close we were to losing control of our property and natural resources through this diabolical NAC scam,’ Margaret Byfield said.
Washington Internal Review Service (IRS)

IRS Targets ‘High-Income Taxpayers,’ Collects $520 Million

IRS collected some $360 million from tax-delinquent millionaires, coming after the federal agency collected about $122 million from wealthy Americans in October.

State AGs Blast Biden, Wall Street Plan to Sell Rights to America’s Public Lands

Plan by NYSE to create NACs, to buy up land rights throughout America, faced heavy criticism from 25 state AGs, who, in letter, urged SEC to reject the concept.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) building in Washington

IRS Raises 2024 Employee FSA Contribution Limit to $3,200

IRS raised the contribution limit to a key employee health care account while also increasing the amount of money that can be carried over to the next year.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

IRS Expansion Led to 53 Percent Increase in Prosecutions: Report

Additional staffing and a post-pandemic focus on tax fraud have led to the IRS and its USSC prosecuting 53 percent more tax offenders in the past two years

House Democrats ditch “Bidenomics” messaging

House Democrats have rejected White House's months-long campaign to sell term "Bidenomics" going into 2024 election divided on communicating on U.S. economy.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) building in Washington on June 28, 2023.

IRS Offering Taxpayers Special Tax Credit in 2024

Individuals making less than $36,500 annually can save up to $1,000 in taxes if they contribute toward their retirement.

Treasury Just Dropped a Financial Bomb, but Bidenomics Means the Worst Is Yet To...

The deficit for fiscal year 2023 was $1.7 trillion and Bidenomics means the worst is yet to come, and multi-trillion-dollar deficits are the new normal.

SEC Boss Says AI-Triggered Financial Crisis ‘Nearly Unavoidable’ Without Regulation

Without regulations in place, the boss of the SEC expects a financial crisis stemming from the widespread use of artificial intelligence in the next decade.

IN-DEPTH: State Auditors Say ESG Agenda Has Forced Them to Push Back

Louisiana State Treasurer: 'I didn't bring a fight to anybody, but corporate America has engaged us in a way that we have to push back on behalf of taxpayers.'