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Father Frank Pavone on War Room

Unelected Judges Imposing On Us Abortion Policy

Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life joins Steve Bannon on the eve of the Supreme Court hearing on a lawsuit involving an abortion...

At Hearing on Military Extremism, Religious Liberty Expert Tells House Committee To Protect Service...

At Hearing on Military Extremism, Religious Liberty Expert Tells House Committee To Protect Service Members’ Constitutional Rights Washington, DC—First Liberty Institute’s General Counsel Mike Berry, a former active duty U.S....

IN-DEPTH: ATF Agents Carrying Rifles Raid Oklahoma Gun Dealer’s Home, Confiscate Guns

As agents of the ATF left Russell Fincher’s house with 50 legally-owned firearms and his FFL, they said, ‘tell all your FFL friends we’re coming for them next."

Pritzker Suffocates Free Speech

Should any elected official use his influence to have an opposition newspaper canceled? Is it allowable to have such a paper literally taken out of print?
Antifa: History and Tactics | Andy Ngo

More National Security Threats Come From Domestic Left-Wing Extremists: Experts

National security analysts, scholars, and a federal indictment reveal threats from left-wing extremist in U.S. are more dangerous than right-wing and “MAGA” groups.
ESG Flow Chart

ESG: The Merger of State and Corporate Power

In 2022, in the midst of a recession, record inflation, and a tumbling stock market, a corporate ideology known by the acronym ESG emerged from obscurity.

2020 Democrats should listen to 2016 Democrats on Supreme Court Vacancy

2016 Democrats gave lots of good advice for 2020 Democrats about confirming a Supreme Court Justice because, as Joe Biden says, "the American people...

Amish Farmer Challenges Constitutionality of Federal Firearms License

Amish dairy farmer Reuben King’s farm in PA, was raided on Jan. 12, 2022, by ATF, which charged King with dealing in firearms without a license and confiscated guns.
Lt. Col. Allen West interview with NTD's Capitol Report

‘A Disarmed Individual Will Be a Subject,’ Not a Citizen: Lt. Col. Allen West

Gun control legislation makes its way from the U.S. House to the Senate, opponents say these laws exist and will not stop mass shootings.
Hedge funds are destroying rural America.

Are hedge funds destroying rural America?

Are hedge funds destroying rural America? 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' investigates and discusses how tycoons like Paul Singer and his hedge fund are destroying rural...

Food Service Giant Sued Over ‘White-Men-Need-Not-Apply’ Program

Former employee is suing food service company in federal court after it fired her for refusing to participate in program discriminating against white male employees.

Gun Rights Groups Challenge California Ban on Marketing Firearms to Children

A coalition of gun rights groups on July 8 sued California over a law that bars stores and others from marketing guns to minors.