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Policy: U.S. Policy includes Climate And Energy, Economics, Education, Foreign Policy And Relations, Government Programs, Healthcare, Immigration, The Right To Keep And Bear Arms, National Security, Regulations

Dr Peter Ridd discuss his legal case with James Cook University

Dr. Peter Ridd joins The Looking Forward Podcast to discuss his legal case with James Cook University, the science of the Great Barrier Reef,...
FOX Business

What’s are the effects of the Trump trade deals?

Reactions on FOX from people in the know about the effects of the Trump trade deals and how we can expect the deals to...
The U.S. Supreme Court in Washington on May 15, 2024.

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules for NRA in Free Speech Case

Supreme Court unanimously ruled NRA plausibly alleged former NY state official violated 1st Amendment by pressuring insurance companies to cut ties with organization.
The Trump White House

Remarks by President Trump Announcing an Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

Oval Office 3:47 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  We’re here today to defend free speech from one of the gravest dangers it has...

Homeland Security May Have Allowed Dangerous, Unvetted Afghans Into United States: Inspector General

U.S. brought 80,000 Afghan citizens into U.S., but DHS failed to vet some evacuees, allowing in individuals who pose a national security risk.
IRS Building

IRS Halted Surprise Visits to Taxpayers’ Homes After Pressure From GOP’s ‘Weaponization’ Panel: Report

A House panel probing 'weaponization' of the federal government claims that its investigative pressure led the IRS to end its surprise door-knock policy.
Gas Stove

Nonprofit Seeks to Defend Americans’ Right to Cook ‘Without Government Interference’

Nonprofit group “Hands Off My Stove” is pushing against government attempts to ban use of gas stoves, aiming to create a “level playing field” for kitchen equipment.
Connell McShare Jobs Numbers

President Trump touts U.S. jobs numbers

Wall Street's expectations for Friday's U.S. jobs numbers were not high, but in the end hiring was solid; Connell McShane of Fox Business Network...

Sen. Cruz: Biden Administration Energy Policies Could Eliminate Thousands of Blue-Collar Jobs During an...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Commerce Committee, today participated in a full committee hearing to consider President...

IN-DEPTH: ATF Agents Carrying Rifles Raid Oklahoma Gun Dealer’s Home, Confiscate Guns

As agents of the ATF left Russell Fincher’s house with 50 legally-owned firearms and his FFL, they said, ‘tell all your FFL friends we’re coming for them next."

Biden Energy Policies Punish Americans Reward CCP

During the House Committee on Natural Resources hearing, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) slammed President Biden's energy policies which punish the American people and...
Paul Vaughn holds his youngest daughter alongside his wife Bethany Vaughn and 8 of their 11 children, in the backyard of their home in Centerville, Tenn., on Feb. 20, 2024.

Americans Face Decades in Prison for Convincing Women Not to Have Abortions

But a decade or more in prison is an outcome Ms. Idoni and other abortion rescuers didn’t expect. In post-Roe America, pro-lifers have been served harsh, life-altering penalties.