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Policy: U.S. Policy includes Climate And Energy, Economics, Education, Foreign Policy And Relations, Government Programs, Healthcare, Immigration, The Right To Keep And Bear Arms, National Security, Regulations

Hawley Calls for Higher Tariffs on China, Trade Deficit Reduction in Debt Limit Deal

Senator Josh Hawley is urging debt limit talks to include reduction of the trade deficit with China by introducing the Raising Tariffs on Imports from China Act.
Senator Ted Cruz

Sen. Cruz Calls on Trump Administration to Submit Obama-Biden Iran Nuclear Deal & Paris...

Sen. Ted Cruz calls on Trump administration to submit Obama-Biden Iran Nuclear Deal and the Paris Climate Agreement to the Senate as formal treaties.

The Changing Face of Foreign Policy: Eleven Years After 9/11 Are We Any Safer?

Eleven years ago, 19 hijackers flew planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 Americans and changing our world...

A Foreign Policy for Mitt

Mitt Romney delivers an address to the Clinton Global Initiative in New York. Here's an advance copy—as interpreted by your WSJ columnist.
Smoking Gun

Benghazi’s Smoking Gun? Only President Can Give ‘Cross-Border Authority’

Informed by experience as a Navy SEAL officer who took NavSpecWar Detachment to Beirut, Benghazi debacle boils down to granting or withholding cross-border authority.

MTG: We Need to Know How Taxpayer’s Money Is Spent In Ukraine

Marjorie Taylor Greene announced that she's introduced a privileged resolution that will hold our government accountable for all of the funding for Ukraine.

Silence on Libya

The final presidential debate was a tailor-made opportunity for Mitt Romney to rip into President Obama’s inconsistent, value-free and incoherent foreign policy.
Yemeni protesters storm the US embassy.

Revealed: Inside Story of US Envoy’s Assassination

The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach.

US Trade Rep. Lighthizer on historic ‘phase-one’ China trade deal

United States trade representative Robert Lighthizer discusses the historic 'phase one' of the U.S.-China trade deal that is expected to be signed on Wednesday.
U.S. Department of State

Five Years of Injustice Following China’s 709 Crackdown

U.S. urges PRC to honor its international human rights obligations and commitments and domestic legal guarantees protecting human rights and freedoms in China.

President Obama announces U.S. non-lethal aid to Ukraine

The U.S. House approved resolution urging President Obama to send lethal weapons to Ukraine to protect its sovereignty in fight against Russian-backed rebels.
Ambassador Christopher Stevens Benghazi

Truth About US Ambassador to Libya Killing in Benghazi

Congressional hearing on Libyan attack revealed State Dept denied request by American Special Forces in Libya to continue use of DC- 3 airplane for security operations throughout country.