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Policy: U.S. Policy includes Climate And Energy, Economics, Education, Foreign Policy And Relations, Government Programs, Healthcare, Immigration, The Right To Keep And Bear Arms, National Security, Regulations

Final Report: National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO and NSCAI Chairman, announced in a tweet that the final National Commission on Artificial Intelligence report is out....

Dallas Police Say They Will No Longer Respond To Calls about Theft

Dallas Police say they will no longer respond to calls about theft because of the coronavirus. The only person responsible for your safety is...
Biden-Harris Regime

Declassified Military Report Exposes Hidden Links Between Wokeness and The American Regime

Wokeness is connected to the specific manner in which the United States exercises its power and influence domestically and overseas.
Smoking Gun

Benghazi’s Smoking Gun? Only President Can Give ‘Cross-Border Authority’

Informed by experience as a Navy SEAL officer who took NavSpecWar Detachment to Beirut, Benghazi debacle boils down to granting or withholding cross-border authority.
Robot With Facemask

Vaxxed By Machines, Tracked By Machines: Humanity To Be Augmented One Cell At A...

Moderna’s co-founder created a quantum dot tattoo to track the vaxxed. The company is now using AI to generate endless mRNA jabs. Welcome to...

President Donald J. Trump — Free Speech Policy Initiative

After the revelations of The Twitter Files, Trump explains his Free Speech Policy Initiative which will be put in place within hours of his inauguration in 2024.
Harry S. Truman

Harry S. Truman’s Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the...

To the Congress of the United States: I am presenting to the Congress certain considerations concerning the steps we need to take to preserve our...
Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic Host

Moms for Liberty Chapters Fighting for the Family in Schools Across the Country

Co-founders of Moms for Liberty join Steve Bannon in the Newsroom. Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich talk about their progress in the first year of fighting...

Navy Must Focus More on Warfighting and Less on Diversity Training: Report

When announcing the christening of the USNS John Lewis replenishment oiler on July 16, Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Harker said sailors will be...

TSA now wants to scan your face at security. Here are your rights.

TSA testing controversial facial recognition technology for passenger screening at 16 major domestic airports and hopes to expand it across the U.S .next year.
Second Amendment Sanctuaries Counties

Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts: 61 Percent of US Counties Now ‘Second Amendment Sanctuaries’

An analysis has revealed that more than three-fifths of all U.S. counties are so-called “Second Amendment sanctuaries” after a number of states this year...

US Vulnerable to Electromagnetic Attack From Adversaries Such as China, North Korea: Experts

Experts are warning that the United States is vulnerable to an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack from adversaries such as China and North Korea, which could render the nation helpless...