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Policy: U.S. Policy includes Climate And Energy, Economics, Education, Foreign Policy And Relations, Government Programs, Healthcare, Immigration, The Right To Keep And Bear Arms, National Security, Regulations

Twitter and the CCP

Transparency in medical pricing BIGGEST thing done for American people

President Trump tweeted today, "TRANSPARENCY in medical pricing will be one of the biggest and most important things done for the American citizen. It...
Secretary of State, Dept. of Defense- CIA Seals

34. National Security Action Memorandum No. 57

John F. Kennedy's National Security Action Memoranda number 57 (NSAM 57) is titled, “Responsibility for Paramilitary Operations.” It was sent to Secretary of State...
National Security Agency

Detecting Abuse of Authentication Mechanisms – Abridged

Summary Malicious cyber actors are abusing trust in federated authentication environments to access protected data. An “on premises” federated identity provider or single sign-on (SSO)...

Joint Statement By FBI, CISA, and ODNI

Joint Statement By The Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI), The Cybersecurity And Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), And The Office Of The Director Of National...
Catholic News Agency

Religious schools must accept ‘gender identity’, LGBT activists tell Biden

A leading LGBT activist group is calling for the Biden administration to create accreditation regulations of religious schools that would enforce acceptance of so-called...
U.S. Department of Energy

Sen. Cruz Commends Department of Energy’s Extension of Seven LNG Export Authorizations

Extension will support good paying energy jobs for years to come WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement commending...

A Nondelegation Doctrine the Court Can Believe In

The Constitution’s original meaning provides a judicially manageable line between constitutional and unconstitutional delegations. After several generations in which the nondelegation doctrine has been largely...

Terry Meza’s HB 196 Bill

HB 196 removes “robbery, or aggravated robbery” from the list of attacks one is allowed to use deadly force against in Sections 9.32(a)(3)(B). But the...

Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks at Georgia Institute of Technology

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo delivered remarks on the China challenge to U.S. national security and academic freedom at Georgia Institute of Technology...

ACLJ Files Amicus Brief Urging Supreme Court To Hear Case Involving the Illinois Governor’s...

ACLJ filed brief with Supreme Court in Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church v. Pritzker in which state officials imposed discriminatory restrictions on religious worship.
Supreme Court of the United States

Supreme Court Backs Religious Groups in Challenge to New York’s Shutdown Order

The Supreme Court late Wednesday blocked New York officials from limiting religious gatherings, a win for Orthodox Jews who had sued over restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a 5-4 decision,...
Facial Recognition

AI software tool disables automated facial tracking

Engineering researchers at University of Toronto used AI software programs to design privacy filter for photos that disables automatic facial recognition systems.