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Policy: U.S. Policy includes Climate And Energy, Economics, Education, Foreign Policy And Relations, Government Programs, Healthcare, Immigration, The Right To Keep And Bear Arms, National Security, Regulations

TikTok Whistleblower Says US Data Can Easily Be Accessed From China: Sen. Hawley

Sen. Josh Hawley is pressing U.S. Treasury Dept to conduct review of new whistleblower allegations regarding Chinese-owned app TikTok brought to his attention.

Multiple US Agencies to Examine Possible Spy Balloon Found off Alaska Coast: Pentagon

Multiple U.S. agencies will analyze the debris of an unidentified high-altitude balloon recovered in waters near Alaska, according to the Pentagon.

Biden Agrees to Sign Bill That Could Ban TikTok If Congress Passes It

President Biden is expressing support for a bipartisan proposal that could ban the video-sharing app TikTok from the United States on national security grounds.
VP President Joe Biden and Xi Jinping

Do Chinese Donations Explain Biden’s Energy Policies?

Biden has oriented American energy policy toward China that enslaves its people, steals intellectual property from U.S., and threatens our allies and partners.
Hogan Gidley on National Security

People in government leak information about our national security

Sen. Rand Paul: 'Wouldn't surprise me' if John Bolton is behind Ukraine leaks Republican Senator Rand Paul reacts to a new report suggesting President Trump...

Biden Administration Tops Orwell With ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

Biden admin is about to join other dictatorial regimes by installing “Disinformation Governance Board” run by Dept. of Homeland Security.
The low water level reveals two chairs at the Almaden Reservoir in San Jose, CA 2014

California drought: Past dry periods have lasted more than 200 years, scientists say

The Mercury News ~ California’s current drought is being billed as the driest period in the state’s recorded rainfall history. But scientists who study...

US Joins Over 60 Other Nations to Pledge Emissions Reduction From Air Conditioners and...

U.S. climate envoy John Kerry made pledge with over 60 other nations to slash emissions from refrigerators and air conditioners in bid to tackle climate change.
Connell McShare Jobs Numbers

President Trump touts U.S. jobs numbers

Wall Street's expectations for Friday's U.S. jobs numbers were not high, but in the end hiring was solid; Connell McShane of Fox Business Network...
Ted Cruz 2015

Sen. Cruz and Rep. Bridenstine Introduce American Energy Renaissance Act

Legislation will create jobs and opportunity by embracing the American energy renaissance, removing barriers and expanding trade. WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas,...

The Changing Face of Foreign Policy: Eleven Years After 9/11 Are We Any Safer?

Eleven years ago, 19 hijackers flew planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 Americans and changing our world...

Why you are wrong about Universal Basic Income | The power of AI within...

Many people are uniting behind the idea of universal basic income with the assumption that it will give them greater freedom and more free...