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Virginia Center for Reproductive Medicine

‘Just the beginning’: After Texas victory, anti-abortion rights activists could extend gains

An article at NBC News is typical of the fearful response of the mainstream media over the success of the new Texas Heartbeat Act abortion law. 'Just...
Gun Owners of America Logo

Gun Owners of America Aghast at Potential ATF Expansion

Gun Owners of America, a national gun rights organization, is decrying the expansion of the ATF in President Joe Biden’s $6.8 trillion budget proposal for 2024.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Supreme Court Limits SEC’s Enforcement Powers

SCOTUS ruled against SEC use of in-house courts, holding defendants who face civil penalties must receive a jury trial under 7th Amendment of Constitution.

TikTok Whistleblower Says US Data Can Easily Be Accessed From China: Sen. Hawley

Sen. Josh Hawley is pressing U.S. Treasury Dept to conduct review of new whistleblower allegations regarding Chinese-owned app TikTok brought to his attention.

What is “The Great Reset” & Why are People So Worried About It?

Never let a good crisis go to waste. Winston Churchill’s famous words from the darkest days of world war 2 have taken on a more...

Left’s Narrative Pushing Gun Control Omits Cases Where Guns Save Lives: Erich Pratt

Left’s push for more gun control omits cases going against their narrative, like where guns were used to neutralize shooters, saving lives.

If Democrats Were Worried About Violence . . . Matt Gaetz Takes On Gun...

If House Democrats were so worried about violence they wouldn't open the borders, open the prison, and then disarm law-abiding Americans.

ACLJ Files Amicus Brief Urging Supreme Court To Hear Case Involving the Illinois Governor’s...

ACLJ filed brief with Supreme Court in Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church v. Pritzker in which state officials imposed discriminatory restrictions on religious worship.

GOP Fights Biden Deal That Lets Other Countries Tax US-Based Profits

To negotiation of OCED as Biden Admin cannot override Congress’s tax-writing authority under the Constitution or turn power over to foreign bureaucrats.
Juda Myers, Conceived in Rape

Woman Conceived in Gang Rape Says It’s Time to Rethink Abortion Exception

Ms. Myers stumbled back to her car in a daze, the word “raped” still echoing in her mind. What a horrible way to enter the world, she thought.
Gates Foundation Investing In Digital IDs

As Gates Doubles Down on Digital IDs, Critic Warns of ‘Gravest Technological Threat’ to...

Gates Foundation investing $200 million in digital ID projects, encompassing “digital public infrastructure, including civil registry databases and digital ID”.
Catholic News Agency

Religious schools must accept ‘gender identity’, LGBT activists tell Biden

A leading LGBT activist group is calling for the Biden administration to create accreditation regulations of religious schools that would enforce acceptance of so-called...