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United States Department of Commerce

Commerce Department Prohibits WeChat and TikTok Transactions to Protect the National Security of the...

 In response to President Trump’s Executive Orders signed August 6, 2020, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) today announced prohibitions on transactions relating to mobile...

Goal for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America

Summary: This May 1991 memo was written by Mohamed Akram, a.k.a. Mohamed Adlouni, for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the introductory letter,...

A Veteran Offers Four ‘Unapologetically American’ Reasons Why We Still Need the Draft

Wake people up about horrors of war by using an instrument that’s been gathering dust in our national policy toolbox since the 1970s: the wartime military draft.

China Outpacing US Military at ‘Disturbing’ Rate: Gen. Milley

China is on a trajectory to achieve military superiority over the U.S. by midcentury, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley warned members of Congress.
Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic Host

Moms for Liberty Chapters Fighting for the Family in Schools Across the Country

Co-founders of Moms for Liberty join Steve Bannon in the Newsroom. Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich talk about their progress in the first year of fighting...
Over The Target: Gun Show on Epoch TV

Does the Biden Administration Want to Take Away Your Right to Self-Defense?

Biden has long history of advocating gun control laws that make Americans less safe. With crime rates skyrocketing citizens need to know their rights.

Christian Apathy Enables California Governor Newsom’s Pro-Abort Depravity

Leftist leaders in CA are spreading toxicity far and wide by enacted measures to transport women from other states to within their borders for abortions.

20 AGs threaten legal action if Disinformation Governance Board is not dismantled

Twenty states AG's signed off on letter to DHS Sec. Mayorkas demanding his Disinformation Governance Board be immediately dismantled.
Washington Internal Review Service (IRS)

‘Delinquent Millionaires’: IRS Announces Targeting of High-Income Americans for Tax Evasion

IRS pursuing “high-income individuals evading taxes” at time when agency is increasingly facing heat for auditing a higher percentage of lower-income Americans.
Washington Internal Review Service (IRS)

IRS Targets ‘High-Income Taxpayers,’ Collects $520 Million

IRS collected some $360 million from tax-delinquent millionaires, coming after the federal agency collected about $122 million from wealthy Americans in October.
Seal of the Supreme Court of the United States

Supreme Court Prohibits Mobile Phone Robocalls To Collect Federal Debt

The Fourth Circuit’s judgment—that the robocall restriction’s government-debt exception in 47 U. S. C. §227(b)(1)(A)(iii) violates the First Amendment but is severable from the...

$2.2 Million Raised for Marine in Military Detainment After Criticizing Afghan Chaos

Some $2 million has been raised for a Marine who was put in the brig for speaking out against the U.S. military’s leadership amid the chaotic Afghanistan evacuation. More...