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Church and State

IRS Surrenders: Time For Churches to Get ‘Political’

American Pastors have called the left’s bluff. The empty words “separation of church and state,” found nowhere in the U.S. Constitution, have lost their sting.
American Flag

For Business, Vote Hold High Stakes

The outcome of Tuesday's presidential election carries enormous weight for executives of American businesses, big and small, influencing everything from the taxes they are...

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Vote for Jobs on November 6

With November 6th almost upon us, our collective success rests on one remaining essential ingredient - making sure those who believe in American enterprise...
Debunking Myths

It’s All In The Numbers: Deception Through Selection

Obama's Record on Private Sector Jobs President Obama has been touting his jobs record in a very peculiar and specific way, citing millions of "private...

Latest Presidential Polls: Debunking the Top 10 Economic Myths From Obama

“Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government; whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice,...
Lanhee Chen

Leaving the Obamacare Fantasyland

Policy Director Lanhee Chen PH.D.  | September 27, 2012 ~ It has become impossible to take seriously the claims that President Obama and his...
Tim Scott Congress Blog - The Hill

US Must Move To Territorial Tax System To Stay Competitive The Hill

Rep. Tim Scott (R-SC) writes in a blog for The Hill, exploring tax code reforms, explains, "Even a temporary repatriation tax break down to...
U.S. Flag with Sunlight Cross

Persecution of Christians on the Rise in the U.S.

A report by two U.S.-based religious freedom groups says anti-Christian persecution is on the rise in America. The joint report by Texas-based Liberty Institute and...
Protect America's Trade Secrets

Practical How Tos For Protecting Trade Secrets

The Cold War has ended and many thought that this would end the need for spying and espionage.  Of course, this was not the...

U.S. Falls to 18th in Economic Freedom of the World

The Fraser Institute released its “Economic Freedom of the World: 2012 Annual Report.” The report analyzed data from 144 countries based on 42 distinct...
Harry Reid

Suit: Robert’s Ruling a Poison Pill for ObamaCare

The penalties Americans will be required to pay under Obamacare for going without health insurance were declared constitutional in a U.S. Supreme Court decision...
Congressional Budget Office

Fiscal Crisis Looming

The following editorial appeared recently in the Miami Herald: Last week, just in time for the conventions of the nation's two major political parties, the...