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Policy: U.S. Policy includes Climate And Energy, Economics, Education, Foreign Policy And Relations, Government Programs, Healthcare, Immigration, The Right To Keep And Bear Arms, National Security, Regulations

Nashville Jury Finds 6 Pro-Life Activists Guilty of Violating FACE Act

Six pro-life advocates facing more than a decade in federal prison heard back from a Nashville jury of 5 men and 11 women with a verdict of guilty on all counts.

A Veteran Offers Four ‘Unapologetically American’ Reasons Why We Still Need the Draft

Wake people up about horrors of war by using an instrument that’s been gathering dust in our national policy toolbox since the 1970s: the wartime military draft.
Makeshift Memorial at Robb Elementary School

Why Gun Control Doesn’t End School Shootings in US

As Americans debate gun control following mass shooting in Uvalde, TX, politicians are using tragedy to advance their agenda against firearms.

John F. Kennedy’s 1963 State of the Union Address Asks For Tax Cut

President Kennedy delivers the State of the Union Address on January 14, 1963, at the Capitol Building. During his State of the Union Address...

A Nondelegation Doctrine the Court Can Believe In

The Constitution’s original meaning provides a judicially manageable line between constitutional and unconstitutional delegations. After several generations in which the nondelegation doctrine has been largely...
U.S. Supreme Court

Roe v Wade Opinion: Republicans Decry Supreme Court Leak, Democrats Call to End Filibuster

Republicans decried leak of Supreme Court opinion ending legal protections for abortion. Democrats called for end of Senate filibuster to preempt court’s ruling.
James O'Keefe at the Values Voter Summit 2019

Ban on Recording Without Consent Is Unconstitutional, US Court Rules

An Oregon law that forbids recording in public without consent runs afoul of the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, a U.S. court has ruled.

Biden’s Agenda for US Military in 2023 Transforms the Institution to an Unprecedented Degree,...

The Biden admin’s efforts to revise and extend radical policies may make 2023 one of most transformative years in history of this nation’s armed services.
American Flag

For Business, Vote Hold High Stakes

The outcome of Tuesday's presidential election carries enormous weight for executives of American businesses, big and small, influencing everything from the taxes they are...
Cuomo signs first-in-nation law allowing gun industry to be sued

Cuomo signs first-in-nation law allowing gun industry to be sued

Following in the Biden administration’s footsteps, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo believes the crime spike in his state is a “guns problem,” not a “criminals problem,” and signed...

Illinois Governor Signs Bill Criminalizing Private Gun Sales

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed legislation on Aug. 2 that criminalizes the private selling of a gun without having the buyer go through the National Instant...

Dr Peter Ridd discuss his legal case with James Cook University

Dr. Peter Ridd joins The Looking Forward Podcast to discuss his legal case with James Cook University, the science of the Great Barrier Reef,...