Security & Defense

Policy: U.S. Security & Defense

IN-DEPTH: Military Families No Longer Want Their Children to Enlist

More than two dozen military service members are discouraging children from donning uniform, marking tend of a legacy for some families, and tough decision for all.

House Adopts Amendments to Ban Transgender Procedures in Military, Repeal Abortion Travel Policy

House conservatives are bundling the nation’s defense budget with “culture war” amendments needed to reverse Biden admin’s “woke” politicization of the military.

IN-DEPTH: Former Army Psychologist Raises Alarm on Transgender Soldiers

Military hasn't studied serious potential side effects from gender-altering drugs, such as 'roid rage,' former Army neuropsychologist says.

Pentagon’s ‘Woke’ Agenda Dividing, Weakening the Military: Former Space Force Officer

Military service members increasingly exposed to “hyper-politicized and sexualized work environment" and resulting divisiveness is weakening U.S. Armed Forces.

Republicans Seek to Cut ‘Woke’ Programs Out of Pentagon’s Proposed Budget

House Republicans are expected to support 3 amendments calling for the Pentagon to audit and eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training programs.

IN-DEPTH: Conservatives Wonder Who Navy Is Trying to Recruit With Petty Officer Drag Queen...

It was a rough summer for drag queens, with uproars over public library story hours and bruising boycotts against Jack Daniel’s for promoting drag...

AI Will Determine Outcome of US-China Cold War, Waltz Says

Ongoing competition between China and U.S. for next-generation technologies will define the future of artificial intelligence (AI), according to congressman.

Where’s the outrage over Kerry’s secret meetings on the Iran deal?

Democrats routinely express outrage over claims of collusion with a foreign power to undermine our democracy. So where is the outrage over revelations that...

Blacklisted Chinese Surveillance Equipment Companies Secure Regional US Governments as Customer

More than 300 different U.S. government organizations—among them city, county, and town governments, as well as schools—have purchased cameras and surveillance systems from two...
China's San Francisco Consulate Flags

US Lacks ‘Effective Tool’ to Stop China’s Tech Theft: Treasury Official

U.S. lacks effective tool to combat widespread espionage and intellectual property theft being perpetrated by CCP, according to a U.S. Treasury Dept. official.

China Has ‘an Edge’ Over US Naval Power: Expert

China has advantages over the United States in naval power in actual combat, according to former Navy Capt. Brent Sadler.

Pentagon Officials Acknowledge Uncertainty in Defending Against Hypersonic Missiles

U.S. DOD is seeking $30 billion in its $680 billion Fiscal Year 2024 budget request for missile defeat and defense programs across all branches of the military.