Security & Defense

Policy: U.S. Security & Defense

1st Full Test of Hypersonic Missile Successful: US Air Force

The U.S. Air Force successfully tested a AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW) hypersonic missile off the coast of Southern California on Dec. 9, 2022.
Korean Missle Power - Super-EMP attack on the US

PRY: North Korea EMP Attack Could Destroy U.S. — Now

North Korea now has an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of delivering a nuclear weapon to the United States, as demonstrated by their successful...
Chinese spy balloon shot down over the Atlantic Ocean

Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down, Falling Toward Atlantic

The Chinese surveillance balloon drifting east toward the Atlantic Ocean has been shot down by the U.S. military and is now falling into the sea, video shows.
Trump and council on al-Baghdadi Raid

Here’s What ISIS Founder Al-Baghdadi’s Death Means For U.S. Policy

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’s death draws a curtain on an episode that was partly influenced by our bad choices, choices that started in 2011 at...

Pentagon’s ‘Woke’ Agenda Dividing, Weakening the Military: Former Space Force Officer

Military service members increasingly exposed to “hyper-politicized and sexualized work environment" and resulting divisiveness is weakening U.S. Armed Forces.
Gen. Jack Keene on al-Baghdadi 's death

General Keane: al-Baghdadi’s death is a major setback for ISIS

ISIS has taken a big hit to their recruiting, funding and morale after leader al-Baghdadi's death, says Fox News senior strategic analyst General Jack...

Republicans Seek to Cut ‘Woke’ Programs Out of Pentagon’s Proposed Budget

House Republicans are expected to support 3 amendments calling for the Pentagon to audit and eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training programs.
Rob O'Neill on the al-Baghdadi Raid

Rob O’Neill, the man who killed Bin Laden, reacts to al-Baghdadi raid

Retired Navy SEAL Rob O'Neill details the military operation that killed the ISIS leader. Watch the latest video at

US Army Surging Munitions Production Amid Shortage Fears

The United States is working to overhaul its acquisition of certain high-end munitions which experts fear would be depleted in the event of a war with China.
U-2 Pilots Photo of Chinese Spy Balloon

Pentagon Releases U-2 Pilot’s Photo of Chinese Spy Balloon Before It Was Shot Down

The Pentagon released a photo of the Chinese spy balloon on Wednesday taken by a U.S. Air Force pilot before it was shot down earlier this month.
House Committee on Energy & Commerce

Experts Warn Renewable Energy Creates ‘New Opportunities’ for Chinese Grid Attacks

America’s increasing reliance on intermittent power sources and batteries is creating novel risks, according to grid specialists who testified before Congress on July 18.

Massive Nationwide Test of US Emergency Alert System Coming Soon

In about a month, a massive nationwide test of the emergency alert system (EAS) will be carried out by FEMA and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).