Poll: Americans Vastly Overestimate COVID-19 Hospitalization Rate

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41 percent of Democrats believe there is a 50 percent chance of being hospitalized for CCP virus, survey finds

Gallup poll released this week found that Americans, by in large, overestimate COVID-19 hospitalization or death rates.

Survey results suggest “most Americans overstate the risk of hospitalization” for both unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals. Some 92 percent “overstate the risk that unvaccinated people will be hospitalized” while 62 percent overstated the risk for vaccinated individuals.

The poll found that 41 percent of registered Democrats believe there is a 50 percent chance that an unvaccinated individual will go the hospital for COVID-19, whereas 21 percent of Republicans and 26 percent of independents believe the same. The correct answer is fewer than 1 percent of unvaccinated COVID-19 cases result in hospital stays, said Gallup, which cited data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for what it said is the accurate hospitalization rate.

“Democrats are more likely to overstate hospitalization risks for unvaccinated people, which may fuel efforts, often led by Democratic Party leaders, to enforce both mask and vaccine mandates,” the pollster concluded. “At the same time, Republicans overstate risks to vaccinated people, leading to very low vaccine efficacy estimates. This may be one of the reasons that so many Republicans have been reluctant to get the COVID-19 vaccine.”

Meanwhile, data provided by Johns Hopkins University, shows the United States has a 1.6 percent case-fatality ratio, meaning that more than 98 percent of those who contract COVID-19, the illness caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, survive.

“For both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, very few adults reported a correct answer,” Gallup said of its recent poll. “For unvaccinated hospitalization risk, 2 percent of Democrats responded correctly, compared with 16 percent of Republicans,” it found.

Overall, “Only 8 percent of U.S. adults gave correct answers for the unvaccinated population and 38 percent for the vaccinated population,” the pollster also wrote.

By Jack Phillips

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