Portland Community College: Take-5’s Critical Race Theory Decision Making Toolkit

Contact Your Elected Officials

In 2014, Portland Community College revised its mission statement to expressly incorporate critical race theory. Subsequently, it published online the “Portland Community College Critical Race Theory Toolkit.”  At the bottom of this page is a PDF file of the document and below is a link to the document on the Portland Community College website.


Portland Community College Critical Race Theory Toolkit lays out in detail how PCC will attack “oppressors” including whites, Christians, heterosexuals, males, and other “oppressors”.

It sets forth a Litmus Test for allies and accomplices.

It does this expressly IN WRITING and posts it online.

Portland Community College is the largest educational institution (70,000 enrollment) in the state of Oregon.

It receives tens of millions of dollars annually from the state and federal governments.

Portland Community College is the “crown jewel” in Representative Suzanne Bonamici’s congressional district. Rep. Bonamici chairs the House Subcommittee on Education and Labor.  Rep. Bonamici is married to Hon. Michael H. Simon, an Obama appointment to the US District Court of Oregon. Judge Simon is the judge that enjoined federal law enforcement officials from protecting the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse on the Portland waterfront. Specifically, he removed federal officials’ qualified immunity.

This is open discrimination and should be revealed and stopped.

Charles Pace, Ph.D. (Economics)

Take-5’s Critical Race Theory Decision Making Toolkit


Portland Community College aspires to become an institution of higher education that operates with the theory of social justice as part of its foundation, mission and values. We are taking intentional steps as an institution to make PCC a more inclusive and welcoming learning/working environment.

In 2014, we adopted a strategic plan that commits PCC to applying Critical Race Theory (CRT) as part of our business practice, policy, and decision-making. CRT is both a paradigm and a practice that challenges dominant systems on race, racism, and inequality. CRT asks us to examine how and why practices and policies were created-and who they ultimately serve-as a means of challenging institutionalized forms of oppression. CRT is a theory that is still evolving and growing. We have chosen to base this work mostly on Kohli (2009)1 because this author operationalized the theory in a higher education context.

The following tools and resources are a result of the District Leaders of Diversity Council looking at intentional ways to make CRT part of our everyday learning and work here at PCC. As shorthand for examining our practice, based on CRT, we ask you to “Take 5”-to take a moment to pause and reflect on the intention, identities and the beneficiaries of the proposed action.

The “Take 5” process incorporates CRT principles according to Kohli’s (2009)1 “CRT Litmus test” and makes them more accessible to PCC’s current operational model. Whatever your role at the college may be, we encourage you to engage fully with this practice and to “Take 5” as you make decisions on behalf of PCC, its students, staff and stakeholders.

We hope that many will find the toolkit useful and actionable. Please feel free to contact the Office of Equity & Inclusion if you have any questions.


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