Power The Future

MAGA News Central: Making American Businesses Great Again

Power The Future is a 501C4 with the mission of offering truth, facts, and research that will enrich the national conversation on energy.

Power The Future believes that America is blessed with abundant and reliable energy sources that have been the lifeblood of our national advancement and prosperity.

Power The Future believes that we must be generous stewards of our environment for this and future generations.

Power The Future believes that sharing facts (about energy policies, organizations and activists) creates a better-informed population.

Power The Future believes we can have the highest quality of life and the cleanest, most cared for environment.

Power The Future carries out these beliefs by disseminating research, sharing facts and truths, engaging at the local level and interacting with the media. With so many loud voices in the energy conversation, ours will highlight truth, unmask agendas, expose hypocrisy and reduce hyperbole.

Power The Future’s work is dedicated to the men and women who “power the future” through their hard work, sweat, determination and grit. Every time we turn on a light or start up our car, whether consciously or not, we are acknowledging your labor and we say thank you.

Daniel Turner is the Founder and Executive Director of Power The Future. For nearly 20 years he has worked in communications and public affairs for several non-profits and various campaigns including in his home district (NY-9) for his Uncle Bob Turner’s successful and historic house race.

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