President Donald Trump made a post to social media platforms over the weekend that rocked the world in that it pretty much proved those who badmouth the upcoming Trump tariff threats as lying idiots.
“The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy. They can go find another “sucker!” There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, and any Country that tries should wave goodbye to America.”
BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The term was created by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill in 2001 as BRIC (without South Africa). He believed by 2050 the four BRIC economies would come to dominate the entire global economy outpacing the United States. South Africa was added to the system in 2010 changing BRIC to BRICS. Basically, the plan of these leading economies is to take remove the United States Dollar (USD) as the world standard as a trade currency. The USD has been the de facto standard for global trade ever since the end of WW-II. The Council of Foreign Relations explains on the Internet:
“How did the U.S. dollar become the world’s leading reserve currency? The dollar’s status as the global reserve currency was cemented in the aftermath of World War II by the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, in which forty-four countries agreed to the creation of the IMF and the World Bank.”
In the past the American dollar was backed by precious metals such as gold and silver. In more recent years that has changed to energy, specifically what is termed petrodollars.
BRICS created the BRICS Bank in 2015 known as the New Development Bank, or NDB. In 2021, the NDB expanded its membership and admitted Bangladesh, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Uruguay as new members. During its 43 meeting of last year they discussed project plans for 2024 aligned with the development objectives of NDB’s member countries.
One of the many non-violent ways the USA has kept bad acting countries from going rogue is through economic sanctions. Because the world economy is based on the USD, this allows America to use sanctions as a powerful leveraging tool. For those traveling abroad on business and pleasure trips, the American dollar is always well received for payment of goods and services abroad.
The threat of the “de-dollarization” of the world economy in favor of a digital BRICS currency would mean an uncertain but surely different future for the US. There is no doubting this commitment, particularly by China and Russia, in the creation of an alternative to the existing USD reserve standard should be seen as a power play.
If we look at the good and bad in everybody and every situation though, we observe the following:
Washington D.C. leadership has been driving the national debt of America into an abyss where the common catch phrase is now used, “Spending money like drunken sailors,” which is actually an insult to drunken sailors. As a result, much of the world is concerned about America defaulting on their debt and the fact that the American dollar may already be deemed worthless.
Still, this experiment known as America has always been known to come back from adversity as kind of a miracle “come back kid” and many believe the current state of affairs of a $37t debt will be no different. Many believe that the entrepreneurial inventors of this country will always be leading the world into the future with a sustainable cash flow back into the country due to its capitalistic political model whereby those who produce and create reap the rewards for their efforts.
When President Trump said, “This is the most consequential election of our lifetime,” he may have very well been talking about the USA being toppled monetarily by a combination of debt and de-dollarization of the world.
One of the many things thinking people love about President Trump is his ability to establish goals using the KISS principle (Keep it simple stupid.) and follow through. His goals appear to be to:
- Eliminate International trade deficits for trade parity.
- Eliminate government deficit spending and hidden grift in the American budget.
- Stop the abandonment of the USD for BRICS.
The fact of the matter is BRICS would have never had a chance to get a foothold in the world if America’s top CEO’s and politicians had not been selling out this country for years. Again, two simple examples serve well here to illustrate this point:
- Tech companies outsourcing all of their production facilities to China in order to pay stockholders higher dividends using cheap labor while abandoning the American workforce (sacrifice the many for the few). This also allows China to copy patented products.
- Politicians using their political positions in the country to unfairly use insider trading stock information to buy stocks on the rise while selling stocks in decline to their benefit (sacrifice the many for themselves).
United we stand and divided we fall and at this moment in time in American History our United States are not very “united” right now and much of the blame goes squarely to the socialist Democrats of America.
Case in point:
Spending some $50 million going to condoms for Gaza?
Also read:
“America is About to Get Kicked by BRICS” – The Thinking Conservative
© 2025 by Mark S. Schwendau