Events & Webinars

Events & Webinars includes Conservative and other worthy events, webinars, seminars and more listed on

Trump Keynote Speech NH GOP

Trump’s Keynote Speech at the New Hampshire GOP Annual Meeting

Former President Donald Trump will deliver a keynote speech at the annual meeting of the New Hampshire Republican Party in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Jan. 28.

The Heritage Foundation’s Summit and 50th Anniversary Celebration

The Heritage Foundation’s 50th Anniversary Celebration gathers allies, supporters, and friends to lead charge in restoring self-governance to the American people.
Change Course New Mexico

Change Course New Mexico! Lindell, Bannon – Ruidoso NM

Change Course New Mexico is a convention that will assess threats to election security and talk about solutions. Participants include Steve Bannon and Mike Lindell.

CPAC 2021: America Uncanceled

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world. Launched in 1974, CPAC brings together...
At What Cost 'WOKE'?

Webinar | At What Cost ‘Woke’?: The Marxist Takedown of America’s Military  

What Cost ‘Woke’? examines implications of cultural Marxist assault on U.S. military when CCP desires to complement its “unrestricted warfare” with a shooting war.
Webinar: Preventing Nuclear War: This is No Drill

Webinar: Preventing Nuclear War: This is No Drill

In light of the distinct possibility that the Ukraine invasion by Russia and the West’s response to it could prompt Russian President Vladimir Putin...
Committee on the Present Danger: China

WATCH: Crashing the CCP Party Congress

n the occasion of the CCP’s 20th Congress the Committee on the Present Danger: China and Women’s Rights Without Frontiers present Crashing the CCP Party Congress

See You at the Library: August 5th, 2023

We are calling on families who love God and love America to gather at our local public libraries to pray, sing, and read BRAVE Books and other books of virtue.
Save America Rally Florence AZ

Save America Rally in Florence, AZ

Watch Donald Trump and other patriotic Americans speeches from the Save America rally in Florence, Arizona on January 15, 2022 at Canyon Moon Ranch...

RiseUP Con

RiseUP Con offers families a place to enjoy all aspects of life; movies, TV, music, gaming, home school, sports while keeping Christ foremost in their lives.
March to Save America

The Truth About What Happened in DC. I know because I was there!

The Truth About What Happened in DC. I know because I was there! What you are seeing on the media are lies. They are trying...
Shall Not Be Infringed Rally Georgia

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED Rally in Northwest Georgia

Steve Bannon and the “War Room” will be special guests at Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Shall Not Be Infringed” Rally on March 5 in Rome, Georgia. This...