Freedom Sources

Previews: Freedom Sources including media, think tanks, organizations, research society’s and much more.

American Freedom Alliance

American Freedom Alliance

American Freedom Alliance promotes, defends and upholds Western values, hosting events to educate, build alliances and advocate for defense of Western Civilization.
Counter Trafficking Alliance

Counter Trafficking Alliance

Counter Trafficking Alliance Mission The mission of Counter Trafficking Alliance is to eradicate all variances of human trafficking, starting with our own local communities through...

America Compass Think Tank

Our Mission To restore an economic consensus that emphasizes the importance of family, community, and industry to the nation’s liberty and prosperity— REORIENTING POLITICAL FOCUS from growth...
Civics Alliance

Civics Alliance

Civics Alliance is a national coalition of organizations and citizens dedicated to preserving and improving America’s civics education.
Fix California

Fix California

Election Integrity and Voter Engagement For A Better California. California is a magnificent state and we deserve better than the failed leadership and partisan politics...
Act For America

Act for America

ACT for America Education’s mission is to educate, engage, train, and mobilize citizens to ensure the safety and security of Americans against all threats...
Accountability Initiative

Accountability Initiative

The Accountability Initiative provides information regarding individuals appointed to positions in the Biden administration or nominated for such positions. The information is intended to...
Guardian Defense Fund

Fightback: The Guardian Defense Fund, Inc.

The Guardian Defense Fund, Inc. is an Arizona not for profit corporation that is in the process of applying for 501 (c)(4) status. The...
Election Integrity Network

Election Integrity Network

Election Integrity Network is conservative leaders, organizations, public officials and citizens dedicated to securing every legal U.S. vote.
National Association For Gun Rights

National Association For Gun Rights

About NAGR The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) is a conservative gun rights advocacy group in the United States. They maintain an affiliated PAC...

Texas Public Policy Foundation

Through research and outreach the Texas Public Policy Foundation promotes liberty, opportunity, and free enterprise in Texas and beyond.

Power The Future

Power The Future is a 501C4 with the mission of offering truth, facts, and research that will enrich the national conversation on energy. Power The...