Freedom Sources

Previews: Freedom Sources including media, think tanks, organizations, research society’s and much more.

Center For Renewing America

Center For Renewing America

The mission of Center For Renewing America is to renew an American consensus of a nation under God predicated on just laws and healthy communities.
American Voter’s Alliance

American Voter’s Alliance

American Voter’s Alliance equips and empowers citizens with tools, resources, connections, and the training needed to make a lasting impact.

Fort Kennedy: H.A.V.E.N.

Fort Kennedy organization provides food, clothing, and resources for homeless veterans and their families living in the state of Oregon.

American Liberator

No man should suffer the penalty for what he thinks, for nothing is more valuable to man than freedom - and that all freedom...

American Accountability Foundation

The American Accountability Foundation (AAF) is a charitable and educational organization that conducts non-partisan governmental oversight research and fact-checking so Americans can hold their...
Family Research Council

Family Research Council

Family Research Council is a research and educational organization articulating and advancing a family-centered philosophy of public life.

Michael’s Memories: Getaway From Cancer

Michael's Memories provides firefighters with cancer a "getaway from cancer" family vacation to escape the stress and trauma of undergoing cancer treatment.
California Policy Center

California Policy Center

The California Policy Center (CPC) is an educational non-profit working for the prosperity of all Californians by eliminating public-sector barriers to freedom. The California Policy...
Capitol Resource Institute

Capitol Resource Institute

About Us We're creating lasting change. Capitol Resource Institute is California’s premier pro-family public policy organization. Established in 1987, CRI has been educating, equipping, and engaging...
BillBlaster App

BillBlaster App

The BillBlaster App has an intuitive interface which gives instant access to information about your district and ways to connect with your representatives.
Christian Legal Society

Christian Legal Society

Christian Legal Society (CLS) is a fellowship of Christians dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through the practice and study of law, the defense of religious...

Horace Cooper discusses Project 21 and “How Trump Is Making Black America Great...

Horace Cooper of Project 21 and author of "How Trump Is Making Black America Great Again," considers Obama's election and the opportunity for advancement...