Freedom Sources

Previews: Freedom Sources including media, think tanks, organizations, research society’s and much more.

The 2025 Presidential Transition Project or Project 2025

Project 2025: Presidential Transition Project

As the left continues marching through America’s institutions, it’s time to lay groundwork for a White House friendly to the right. Project 2025 does just that.
Look Ahead America

Look Ahead America

There are millions of rural and blue-collar patriotic Americans who are disaffected and disenfranchised from the nation’s corridors of power. Their fears ignored, their...

Jam For Freedom

Jam for Freedom is spearheading the pro-freedom revolution happening globally as a response to restrictions on our basic human rights to work, travel and...
The Unity Project

The Unity Project: Defeating COVID-19 Mandates For K-12 Students

The Unity Project was formed to unite vast numbers of independent groups statewide into a powerful force of concerned citizens that is well-resourced, well-coordinated...
Center For Renewing America

Center For Renewing America

The mission of Center For Renewing America is to renew an American consensus of a nation under God predicated on just laws and healthy communities.
Dead Person's Vote

Clean Elections USA: Drop Box Initiative 2022

Clean Elections USA is a grassroots organization made up of law abiding patriots whose goal it is to preserve the integrity of our elections, now and in the future.
Patriot Academy

Patriot Academy

Patriot Academy equips leaders to champion the cause of freedom and truth in government, media, entertainment, and education, bringing our nation back to founding principles.
Flying American Flag

Committee To Unleash Prosperity: A Brief History of the Policies of Equitable Prosperity

The phrase “Supply-Side economics” was first coined by Jude Wanniski. Polyconomics’ chief economist Alan Reynolds flagged the phrase “Supply-Side fiscalists” from Republican economist Herb Stein, from which Wanniski...
Kash Patel Legal Offensive Trust

Kash Patel Legal Offensive Trust

The Kash Patel Legal Offense Trust is a fund designed to give those smeared by the fake news media and big tech a voice. During...
Women of Watts and Beyond

Women of Watts and Beyond

Women of Watts and Beyond acts as an information center working with at-risk families - fathers, mothers, children, and youth, especially for those who...
Feds For Medical Freedom

Feds For Medical Freedom

A national grassroots coalition, Feds For Medical Freedom, has been formed to respond to rigid and inflexible mandates imposed on public servants and government...
Joshua Philipp and Morgan Zegers

The Epoch Times and Epoch TV’s ‘Crossroads’ Program Win Media Awards

The Epoch Times and Epoch TV’s “Crossroads” program have won awards in the News & Journalism category at CONTENT2021, a Texas-based film festival and media summit. The award for...