Freedom Sources

Previews: Freedom Sources including media, think tanks, organizations, research society’s and much more.

PERK: Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids

PERK: Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids

PERK is a grassroots organization dedicated to empowering parents, educators and professionals to take an active role in education centered legislation. They strive to...

$FJB Coin: Let’s Go Brandon! Official Coin

About $FJB COIN What started as a chant, is now a movement. This is about the voices of every individual across the world being heard...

American Moment

American Moment's mission is to identify, educate, and credential young Americans who will implement public policy that supports strong families, a sovereign nation, and prosperity for...

Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (FAIR)

FAIR is a nonpartisan organization advancing civil rights and liberties for Americans, and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity.

Texas Public Policy Foundation

Through research and outreach the Texas Public Policy Foundation promotes liberty, opportunity, and free enterprise in Texas and beyond.

American Police Officers Alliance

American Police Officers Alliance helps elect local leaders who respect and understand decisions police officers are forced to make each day.

The “X” for Boys

The X for Boys has the mission of teaching boys the true meaning of manhood and to be protectors and providers for their communities. 
Liberty Guard

Liberty Guard

Liberty Guard organization stands for privacy, personal autonomy, and individual freedom workings to influence policy on liberty issues.
League of American Workers (LAW)

League of American Workers

The League of American Workers advocates on behalf of American workers helping shape popular opinion and public policy to reward and sustain laborers in America.
Guardian Defense Fund

Fightback: The Guardian Defense Fund, Inc.

The Guardian Defense Fund, Inc. is an Arizona not for profit corporation that is in the process of applying for 501 (c)(4) status. The...
Children's Health Defense

Children’s Health Defense®

“The greatest crisis that America faces today is the chronic disease epidemic in America’s children.” - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Children's Health Defense® is a 501(c)3 non-profit...
Patriot Academy

Patriot Academy

Patriot Academy equips leaders to champion the cause of freedom and truth in government, media, entertainment, and education, bringing our nation back to founding principles.