Freedom Sources

Previews: Freedom Sources including media, think tanks, organizations, research society’s and much more.

Cause of America

Cause of America

Cause of America focuses on election integrity, facilitating grassroots citizen action to conduct, manage, monitor, and verify elections.
National Association For Gun Rights

National Association For Gun Rights

About NAGR The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) is a conservative gun rights advocacy group in the United States. They maintain an affiliated PAC...
United States Parents Involved in Education

United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE)

USPIE is a coalition returning education to local roots, restoring parental authority over children's education by escaping federal and national influences. 

Save Women’s Sports Organization

About Save Women's Sports Save Women's Sports is a coalition that seeks to preserve biology-based eligibility standards for participation in female sports. About Founder Beth Stelzer A...

SaveUs Movement: Save the Persecuted Christians

Save the Persecuted Christians is a grassroots movement to save lives and save souls. We educate the public on anti-Christian violence and enlist their...
American Voter’s Alliance

American Voter’s Alliance

American Voter’s Alliance equips and empowers citizens with tools, resources, connections, and the training needed to make a lasting impact.
Declaration of Military Accountability

Declaration of Military Accountability

At 4am EST today (a few min ago), senior military leaders received an email with a letter attached called the Declaration of Military Accountability....
Sovereignty Coalition's National Day of Action

Withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization

The Sovereignty Coalition’s National Day of Action Join us, Thursday, April 13  _______________________________ While Congress is on break this week, we are calling on all concerned citizens...

Americans For Intelligent Reform

“The overall objective of Americans For Intelligent Reform (AIR) is to make the CIA stronger, smarter and the most effective intelligence agency in the...

Jam For Freedom

Jam for Freedom is spearheading the pro-freedom revolution happening globally as a response to restrictions on our basic human rights to work, travel and...

iEmpathize: Working Towards Eradicating Child Exploitation

iEmpathizer works towards eradicating child exploitation by empowering kids and communities that intersect with the issue.
Southeastern Legal Foundation

Southeastern Legal Foundation

Southeastern Legal Foundation is a national, nonprofit legal organization dedicated to defending liberty and Rebuilding the American Republic®.