
Previews: Media includes information on movies, documentaries, TV shows, radio shows, web content and more.

Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry | Documentary

“Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry” is an NTD Original Documentary that pulls back the curtain on how Hollywood is helping to...

Mister Rogers: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

For over 30 years, Fred Rogers, an unassuming minister, puppeteer, writer and producer, was beamed into homes across America in his beloved show Mister...

The Original Clinton Chronicles

The Original Clinton Chronicles documentary is investigations into alleged criminal activities of Arkansas former Governor President Bill Clinton. Many people involved in the research...

Interference: Democracy at Risk

The 2016 election was a wake up call for American democracy. Dark money, disinformation, fake news, and vote tampering threaten the integrity of free and fair...

Targeting U.S.

In early 2010, under the Obama Administration, the Internal Revenue Service - one of the most powerful agencies in our government - began targeting...

Lincoln (2012)

Lincoln (2012) is directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally field and Hal Holbrook. As the American Civil War continues to rage, America's...

The Plot Against The President – Trump

"The Plot Against The President" is a documentary exposing the Deep State’s plan to bring down President Donald J. Trump, a duly elected President of the U.S.

Investigative Documentary ‘The Fall of Minneapolis’ Challenges Official Narrative of George Floyd’s Death

Documentary film, “The Fall of Minneapolis,” has set out to question narrative about 2020 death of George Floyd by shedding light on facts left in the dark.

Poking the Dragon Documentary

How Australia's trade with China became a political weapon Over the last year, China has launched a wave of trade sanctions against Australia. Numerous industries...

Gotham: The Fall and Rise of New York

New York City: America’s Greatest Comeback Story Gotham: The Fall and Rise of New York is an exciting exploration of New York City’s history and the...

Terms and Conditions May Apply (2013)

Terms And Conditions May Apply (2013) is a documentary that exposes what corporations and governments learn about people through Internet and cell phone usage,...

America: Imagine The World Without Her

The new film from the creators of 2016: Obama’s America takes America's critics at face value and imagines a world in which she never...