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Previews on TheThinkingConservative.com include books, sources, films, documentaries, web content, products and Inventions that help people understand conservatism.

Don’t Be Surprised if Trump Starts Attacking the Fed

Donald Trump and his supporters will scream that the coming rate cuts are part of a deep-state conspiracy to re-elect President Biden.
Losing South Korea by Gordon Chang

Losing South Korea

What would happen if the maniacal tyranny in Pyongyang took over the vibrant democracy of South Korea? In his book Losing South Korea, Gordon...
The Dark Valley By Piers Brendon

The Dark Valley: A Panorama of the 1930s 

The 1930s were perhaps the seminal decade in twentieth-century history, a dark time of global depression that displaced millions, paralyzed the liberal democracies, gave...

JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity

The fascinating, suppressed history of how JFK pioneered supply-side economics.John F. Kennedy was the first president since the 1920s to slash tax rates across-the-board,...
America’s Last Stand By Drew Thomas Allen

America’s Last Stand: Will You Vote to Save or Destroy America in 2024?

In America’s Last Stand, Drew Thomas Allen lays out the real and severe stakes of the 2024 presidential election because Biden has plunged America into a Dark Age.
Crucified Again By

Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians

Crucified Again unveils the shocking truth about Christians in the Muslim world where believers in Jesus are oppressed and are massacred.

Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies That Created The Parkland Shooter and Endanger...

The Parkland school shooting was the most avoidable mass murder in American history. And the policies that made it inevitable have spread to your...
Welcome to America By Steve Martino

Welcome to America: How Cultural Marxism is Slowly Destroying America 

The goal of Welcome to America is to explain how Cultural Marxism is destroying the fabric of Western society and to give people the tools needed to combat the threat.
Stay Safe: Security Secrets for Today’s Dangerous World By Greg Shaffer

Stay Safe: Security Secrets for Today’s Dangerous World

In Stay Safe, Greg Shaffer outlines essential tools for becoming personally responsible for your own security and safety in everyday life.

We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People

As Seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight We vave Overcome is A black immigrant’s eloquent appreciation of the American Dream, and why his adopted nation remains the...

Official Negligence : How Rodney King and the Riots Changed Los Angeles and the...

A study of the Rodney King case and its long-term repercussions for Los Angeles discusses the acquittal of the officers involved in the beating,...
Did America Have a Christian Founding? by Mark David Hall

Did America Have a Christian Founding?: Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth

In Did America Have a Christian Founding?, a distinguished professor, Mark David Hall, debunks the assertion that America's Founders were deists who desired the...