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Previews on TheThinkingConservative.com include books, sources, films, documentaries, web content, products and Inventions that help people understand conservatism.

Radical Islam By Jim Denison

Radical Islam: What You Need to Know (Unlocking the Truth)

On 9/11 America learned that we were at war with an enemy unlike any we have ever fought. Ten years later, the battle goes...
The Manipulation Of Human Behavior

The Manipulation Of Human Behavior

In recent years, concern has been expressed, in both scholarly and popular literature, about the dangers of scientific developments that could be used to...
The Law by Frederic Bastiat

The Law

The 2011 Reprint of 1950 American Edition of Frederic Bastiat's The Law gives explanations and arguments against socialism equally relevant for Americans today.
Obliterating Exceptionalism by Kent Clizbe

Obliterating Exceptionalism: A chronicle of Obama’s Politically Correct Progressive destruction of America

Obama's administration is the most anti-traditional-America regime ever to hold power in Washington D.C. Kent Clizbe analyzed Obama's political roots in the run-up to...

Cool It (2010)

Director Ondi Timoner's film documentary that takes an alternative approach to dealing with the global warming crisis. The film is based on Bjorn...

Death by China: Confronting the Dragon – A Global Call to Action

The world's most populous nation and soon-to-be largest economy is rapidly turning into the planet's most efficient assassin. Unscrupulous Chinese entrepreneurs are flooding world...

The Father of Us All: War and History, Ancient and Modern

Victor Davis Hanson has long been acclaimed as one of our leading scholars of ancient history. In recent years he has also become a...

Chinese Girl in the Ghetto

As China opens itself to the world and undertakes historic economic reforms, a little girl in the southern city of Guangzhou immerses herself in...
Means of Ascent by Robert A. Caro

Means of Ascent (The Years of Lyndon Johnson)

In Means of Ascent, Book Two of The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Robert A. Caro brings alive Lyndon Johnson in his wilderness years. In Means of Ascent,...
Why America Must Not Follow Europe by Daniel Hannan

Why America Must Not Follow Europe

Daniel Hannan, a British Conservative Member of the European Parliament, calls on Americans to avoid Europe's future. He traces the common roots of British...
The Great American Bank Robbery by Paul Sperry

The Great American Bank Robbery: The Unauthorized Report About What Really Caused the Great...

You may not realize it, but you helped pay for a $10 million, fourteen-month government “investigation” of the housing collapse. Only your $10 million...
Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout By Patrick Moore

Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist

From energy independence to climate change, genetic engineering to aquaculture, Moore covers controversial subjects in Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout.