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Previews on TheThinkingConservative.com include books, sources, films, documentaries, web content, products and Inventions that help people understand conservatism.

The Heritage Foundation’s Summit and 50th Anniversary Celebration

The Heritage Foundation’s 50th Anniversary Celebration gathers allies, supporters, and friends to lead charge in restoring self-governance to the American people.

Leaving California: The Untold Story Documentary

“Leaving California: The Untold Story” is a documentary that portrays the growing challenges of living in California, causing an unprecedented mass exodus.


Open.Ink is a revolutionary platform designed to bring the most comprehensive and curated information from open records, research, and archival writings.

Courage on the Screen: The Purple Heart

Today, April 18, marks the anniversary of the taking off of the Doolittle Raiders from the carrier Hornet in 1942. The object of their...
When Race Trumps Merit By Heather Mac Donald

When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and...

When Race Trumps Merit shows how disparate-impact thinking is jeopardizing scientific progress, destroying public order, and poisoning appreciation of art and culture.

Altered Humans—How Biotech Is Changing Who We Are | Documentary

Medical research is no longer seeking to address alarming health concerns. Instead, “medical science is focused on making us “stronger, faster, and smarter.” 
Hands Off My Stove

JOIN Hands Off My Stove

Stay informed, get involved, and take action to protect the use of gas stoves and other gas appliances. Join Hands Off My Stove and advocate for their benefits.
Firearms and Freedoms Documentary

Firearms and Freedoms Documentary Series

While government and media push the anti-gun agenda, the Firearms and Freedoms documentary arms citizens with the truth on guns, safety, and freedom In America.
Sovereignty Coalition's National Day of Action

Withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization

The Sovereignty Coalition’s National Day of Action Join us, Thursday, April 13  _______________________________ While Congress is on break this week, we are calling on all concerned citizens...

Gotham: The Fall and Rise of New York

New York City: America’s Greatest Comeback Story Gotham: The Fall and Rise of New York is an exciting exploration of New York City’s history and the...
The Cancel Culture Curse By Evan Nierman and Mark Sachs

The Cancel Culture Curse: From Rage to Redemption in a World Gone Mad

In The Cancel Culture Curse, global crisis manager Evan Nierman and his colleague Mark Sachs examine the impact of cancel culture in today’s media-driven world.

Nefarious: Speak of the Devil

On the day of his scheduled execution, a convicted serial killer gets a psychiatric evaluation during which he claims he is a demon, and...