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Previews on TheThinkingConservative.com include books, sources, films, documentaries, web content, products and Inventions that help people understand conservatism.

Fifth International Vatican Conference

‘A Who’s Who of Devils’: Vatican Conference Being Used for One World Globalist Agenda

Liz Yore, founder Yore Children, exposes the Vatican’s upcoming “mind, body, and soul” conference for what it truly is: a séance to one world...
The Chief's Chief By Mark Meadows

The Chief’s Chief

In The Chief’s Chief, Mark Meadows tells how he and loyal advisors helped President Trump bring America back from the brink of catastrophe.
Beyond Order by Jordan Peterson

Beyond Order: 12 More Rules For Life

The sequel to 12 Rules for Life offers further guidance on the perilous path of modern life.  In 12 Rules for Life, clinical psychologist and celebrated professor at Harvard...

No Safe Spaces (2019) Documentary NOW Playing

No Safe Spaces (2019), the major feature film about free speech, censorship, and campus 'safe spaces' had its national premiere. The film opened in...
Cause Unknown By Ed Dowd

Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022

Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street analyst and BlackRock portfolio manager, examines the epidemic of sudden deaths in America in 2021 and 2022.

The Plot Against The President Documentary

The Plot Against The President Documentary is coming out in October 2020. It is the true story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the...
Welcome to Brave Books

Brave Books

BRAVE Books for children honor God by shaping future generations of Americans who will fight for freedom, truth, humility, bravery, and compassion.
March to Save America

The Truth About What Happened in DC. I know because I was there!

The Truth About What Happened in DC. I know because I was there! What you are seeing on the media are lies. They are trying...

From The Foster House To The White House

This is the poignant and triumphant story of Terrence K. Williams, who was born into nothing; neglected, starved, abused, and beaten, a product of...
The Nixon Conspiracy By Geoff Shepard

New Book: ‘The Nixon Conspiracy’ Reveals Evidence Of The Deep State Plot That Forced...

Former White House lawyer Geoff Shepard, who once believed Nixon guilty of Watergate crimes, has uncovered the true story of that infamous scandal, exonerating...
Dinesh D'Souza's Film 2000 Mules

EXPLOSIVE: New Surveillance Footage of Ballot Drop Boxes

Watch the new teaser of Dinesh D'Souza's upcoming film, "2000 Mules," showing election fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.
Why I Couldn't Stay Silent By David J. Harris

Why I Couldn’t Stay Silent

In Why I Couldn't Stay Silent David Harris Jr. walks through the good, the bad and the ugly of being a black conservative in America.