Professional Feminist Opines on ‘Toxic’ vs. ‘Positive’ Masculinity and Election 2024

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This lady, professional feminist Ruth Whippman, while pregnant, fantasized about her male baby growing up to be a rapist and/or school shooter.

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Via NPR (emphasis added):

“At night, as I battled insomnia, heaving my bump around the bed from one achy compromise to another, my pregnant brain churned out a ticker tape of bad outcomes for my unborn boy – rapist, school shooter, incel, man child, interrupter

boys clearly need special attention because there is a systemic problem with how we’re raising boys that’s teaching them it’s OK to do wrong. You know, I think during the #MeToo movement, we kind of realized that we had normalized this serious systemic male harm that was happening…

I have three boys, and the final one was born right as the #MeToo movement was exploding. It was a year into the Trump presidency, and just raising boys felt like this incredibly fraught political project. You know, aside from all of the normal challenges of parenting, I think the idea of raising boys – and multiple boys – felt very politically charged.”

Later on, in the midst of labor, while other women might be narrowly focused on the health of their baby or else just trying to get through the intense pain, Ruth found herself scrolling Twitter to check in on the most recent #MeToo denunciations and wondering whether her baby would grow up to be the next Harvey Weinstein. 

More recently, without a hint of self-awareness or shame or irony, Ruth womansplains in an October 8th New York Times manifesto that, while “toxic masculinity” is obviously femicidal, the exact alternative that her ideological comrades offered themselves — “positive masculinity” — is also wrong and bad.

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Via The New York Times (emphasis added):

The electorate is faced with a choice, the story goes, between two models for masculinity. Toxic versus positive. In response to the vein-popping, furious, felon model of the right, the left is offering us a more morally upstanding and expansive “positive masculinity.”…

After the cartoon supervillainy of Donald Trump and the smarmy misogyny of JD Vance, the “positive masculinity” of Walz and his ilk is a joyful relief, and these programs are often doing good work. But when it comes to truly shifting cultural norms for the next generation of boys and allowing them to embrace their full humanity without shame, we might do better to ditch the masculinity rhetoric altogether. Because rather than challenging the old stereotypes and patterns, the whole positive masculinity framework actually seems to be reinforcing them…

There is a lurking sexism in the whole positive masculinity conceit. If we have to attach the label “masculine” to a behavior before it can have value to men, then we are subtly communicating that embracing anything associated with women is a demotion, even an indignity. “Positive masculinity” is not about de-gendering universal human qualities, and certainly not about encouraging boys to believe that they could have something to learn from women or female cultural norms. It’s more an attempt to scrub away the humiliating stain of womanhood from any trait or behavior before letting boys anywhere near it.”

Of course, at no point does this individual pause, seemingly for a moment, to consider that her own poisonous ideology is what has caused the destruction of the young male psyche that she ostensibly is devoted to fixing. Rather, if the gynocracy could just tweak its pathological social engineering program slightly, all might be righted.

The visceral hate that I feel towards this woman is on account of having grown up in this exact noxious and suffocating liberal zeitgeist that she exalts, in which one absorbs the lesson very early on that, as a boy, and especially as a white boy, you represent a unique evil in the world.

You must be made, for the sake of Social Justice™, therefore, to carry the heavy burden of the sins of your forefathers as your personal cross on account of your immutable characteristics, and the best way to right the wrongs of your class is to never stand up for yourself and forever apologize with self-flagellation and groveling.

The Patriarchy™ in modern Western culture, you learn deeply but are never allowed to verbalize for risk of being castigated, is not just a myth; it’s a total inversion of the reality.

“We are the queer
We are the whore
In the class war
We are worker
We love our queen
We sacrifice
We’re soilent green”
-NOFX, ‘The Decline’

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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