Project Veritas CNN Tapes: CNN editorial phone calls show systemic media bias

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Project Veritas, a conservative activist group, has ‘undercover recordings of a CNN editorial phone calls featuring the network’s president, Jeff Zucker and others.

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Project Veritas’ CNN whistleblower claims network is ‘pumping out propaganda’

According to Project Veritas, a conservative activist group, an ‘undercover recording’ of a CNN editorial phone call claims to feature the network’s president, Jeff Zucker, telling staffers to stay focused on covering impeachment of President Trump at the expense of other important news.

Undercover recordings made by an alleged ‘whistleblower’ capture CNN employees casually confirming the network’s anti-Trump bias and show company president Jeff Zucker telling top news executives to focus solely on impeachment even at the expense of other important news, according to the conservative activist group that posted the bombshell footage online.

PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS

PART 2 – CNN Leadership Picks Winners and Losers on Eve of Debate. “…They(CNN) like Warren a lot”

PART 3: CNN Field Manager: Zucker’s 9am Calls ‘BS;’ “…Totally Left-Leaning…Don’t Want to Admit it”

Part 4: Alleged Sexual Misconduct by CNN Exec and Possible Cover-Up by Senior Management

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