Donald Trump’s campaign to restore common sense resulted in an emphatic election victory last November. His win was a death blow to the gender-bending pronoun pandemonium gripping the nation. Democrats, unfortunately, have an uncommon sense they can’t resist.
Trump’s victory meant the time of gender-bending fascism was at an end. Democrats have yet to get the memo.
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers-D, introduced a budget bill this week that calls mothers an “inseminated person” and switches both mother and father to “parent who gave birth.” His actions prove that Democrats learned nothing from their defeat.
I have two sons, and I never gave birth to anything.
In issuing his budget bill Evers took up his pen crossing out the words “man,” “father,” “mother,” and “wife” in statutory language. Evers proved the pen is indeed mightier than the sword especially when wielded by a progressive nitwit.
Evers didn’t merely mince the state’s words; he sliced and diced them into a form sure to satisfy the liberal language police. What’s left is a steaming pile of word turds whose stench is a reminder to common-sense Wisconsonians that he’s the boss of their state and its pronouns.
Evers, the state’s governor since 2019, is described as both a politician and an educator having served for ten years as the Badger State’s Superintendent of Public Instruction. Ever’s career in education at least partially explains its abysmal state of being. Wisconsin ranked 18th in the nation for education in his last year as SPI.
While he’s done teaching, thankfully, he’s not done forcing progressive indoctrination on the citizens of his state.
Changing pronouns serves no purpose, settles no debate, and improves no one’s life. It further demonstrates how badly disconnected some elected leaders are from the people they represent.
Using relatable, commonly understood words and phrases is the foundation of effective communication. Changing pronouns to suit a scintilla of the population only heightens tensions and confuses the language.
According to Wisconsin State Rep. Amanda Nedweski, the Democrat governor replaced the word “father” over 120 times throughout the 1,917-page document. In expressing her discontent with the governor, Nedweski said, “It is unconscionable that the Governor has the audacity to take the most beautiful, life-giving act a woman can perform—bringing children into this world—and turn it into nothing more than gender-neutral, virtue-signaling jargon to appease his far-left base.”
Evers actions, one can hope, are the last gasps of a dying movement. A movement that had as its goal the remaking of American sexuality, language, and society. Seeking to undermine traditional ideas of sexuality and gender, the campaign was totalitarianism disguised as tenderness.
This offensive was destined to fail. It is a tree with no roots, a chair with no legs. An initiative meant to change everything on behalf of a tiny fraction of a fraction of the population. An attempt to make all captives to counterfeit compassion.
The rights of transgender citizens are inviolable, as are those of the rest of us. They are free to live their lives, express themselves, to think, act and associate freely. No one can, nor should they, seek to restrict these rights. Their rights are all our rights.
In this country I don’t have my own words and neither does Governor Evers. A common language exists to allow us to exchange ideas. It does change and evolve. New words enter the lexicon every year, many of which I despise.
Evers’ attempt to pulverize common pronouns into unintelligible political pish posh seems out of step with the moment and the people of his state.
It is tyranny disguised as tolerance and its time has passed.
Stephen Piccirillo 2025