Radical CA Legislature Allows State to Subvert Parental Rights and Take Custody of Out-of-State Minors Seeking Trans Surgeries

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Late last month, the California legislature voted to pass a bill that would allow the State to take custody of out-of-state minors seeking gender transition surgeries and cross-sex hormones – even if these actions go against the wishes of the child’s parents.

The measure, SB 107, which was introduced in July by Democrat state Senator Scott Wiener as part of efforts to turn California into a “sanctuary state” for trans mutilation of children (aka. gender-affirming care), passed both the house and the senate on August 31st with “overwhelming Democratic support.”

The sickening legislation now sits on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk, awaiting his signature. He has until September 30th to sign or veto the bill. Despite not taking action as of yet, Newsom is expected to sign the measure into law before the timeframe ends this month.

When introducing the bill, Senator Wiener – the same radical who introduced pieces of legislation that would allow anyone 12 or older to get vaccinated without parental consent, mandate drag queen story hour in grade school, and relax the punishment for child sex offenders, among others – claimed it was necessary for the state to take action because of laws passed elsewhere in the US that restrict minors who identify as transgender from accessing radical and destructive treatments such as cross-sex hormones and surgeries to remove healthy organs. Wiener characterizes these laws that protect American youth as “brutal attacks on transgender children.”

Unbelievably, there are seemingly no restrictions or qualifications for the law to take effect. In other words, if the whim of any child is to access these destructive sex-change treatments, but one or both parents aren’t allowing it, California’s courts can take custody of that child in order to administer the drugs and/or surgery. All the court would need to prove is that the minor has been ‘mistreated or abused’ which is defined as being ‘unable to obtain gender-affirming health care.’ As of now, it is unclear if the child has to enter California before the law takes effect, or if the state can interfere and assist the child in traveling and accommodations.

By Julian Conradson

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