Radical Islam: What You Need to Know (Unlocking the Truth)

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On 9/11 America learned that we were at war with an enemy unlike any we have ever fought. Ten years later, the battle goes on with no end in sight. Our enemy is not a nation or an army but a global movement which will stop at nothing short of world domination. Its soldiers embrace death in its cause as their highest honor and greatest reward.

Why do radical Muslims hate us? How will the death of bin Laden affect this global conflict? What will it take to win the longest war in American history?

In Radical Islam, Jim Denison answers these critical questions with insights born of a career spent engaging the Muslim world. An expert on world religions, he has lived and traveled among Muslims for more than 30 years. He explains the mind and motives of radical Islam, telling you what you need to know about the greatest threat our nation has ever faced.

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Editorial Reviews

About the Author

James C. Denison, Ph.D., is a cultural apologist, building a bridge between faith and culture by engaging contemporary issues with biblical truth. He founded the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture in February 2009. He is the author of seven books, including his most recent, Radical Islam: What You Need to Know.

Having lived and traveled extensively in the Muslim world, Dr. Denison has wide expertise on the subject of Islam. He has also taught world religions for 25 years with four seminaries. He has spoken in China, Cuba, Brazil, Australia, Europe, Israel, Greece, Egypt, Bangladesh, and Turkey and served as a short-term missionary to East Malaysia, in Southeast Asia. He also leads frequent study tours in Israel, Greece, and Europe.

Dr. Denison writes a free cultural commentary, which helps people think biblically about the critical issues of our day including same-sex marriage, radical Islam, Mormonism, and current events. It is available at denisonforum.org.  His daily commentary is distributed around the world to over 30,000 subscribers in 90 countries. He writes for The Dallas Morning News, contributing weekly to the “Texas Faith Forum,” and is a guest columnist for The Christian Post.

He earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion and Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and received a Doctor of Divinity degree from Dallas Baptist University.

His wife, Janet, is an author and speaker (janetdenison.com). They live in Dallas and are the parents of two sons: Ryan, a recent graduate of Truett Seminary; and Craig, a recent graduate of Dallas Baptist University.

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From the Author

Ten years after 9/11, most Americans still don’t know why radical Muslims hate us.  We have now been fighting in Afghanistan longer than any war in our nation’s history, with no end to the “war on terror” in sight.  I am convinced that radical Islam is the greatest threat our nation has ever faced.  It is vital that we understand the nature of this enemy and take practical steps to end this conflict and forge a sustaining peace.

I have lived in the Muslim world and traveled in Muslim-majority nations for many years. I have spent significant time in Israel and the Middle East over the past 15 years.  And I have taught world religions for 27 years on four seminary faculties.  I have long been concerned about the rise of radical elements within the world’s second-largest religion, and wrote the book to explain their motives and describe pro-active ways we can respond to their hatred.

I have also served as a pastor for more than 25 years, and have a deep passion to see moral and spiritual renewal in our culture.  I believe that such a movement is essential to the future of our democracy and a vital component in our response to Islam.  My book outlines the spiritual implications of our conflict with radical Islam and proposes steps that Christians and churches can take as catalysts for renewal.

My motives for writing Radical Islam: What You Need To Know are personal as well.  My father was a Sunday school teacher before witnessing horrific atrocities while fighting in World War II.  He was never able to reconcile his faith with intellectual challenges such as evil and suffering, science and faith, and world religions.  Over time his issues became mine.  I am fascinated by the spiritual questions our culture is asking today, chief among them the challenge of pluralism and the rise of Islam.

I wrote Radical Islam to help Americans understand the terrorist threat we confront every day, and to encourage practical steps in securing our moral and national future.  If the book spurs and informs our dialogue on one of the most critical issues we have ever faced, I will be grateful. –This text refers to the paperback edition.

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From the Back Cover

On September 11, 2001, America learned that we were at war with an enemy unlike any we have ever fought.  Ten years later, the War on Terror continues with no end in sight.  Our enemy is not a nation or an army but a global movement which will stop at nothing short of world domination.  Its soldiers embrace death in its cause as their highest honor and greatest reward.
Why do radical Muslims hate us?  How will the death of Osama bin Laden affect this global conflict?  What will it take to win the longest war in America’s history?

Jim Denison answers these critical questions with insights born of a career spent engaging the Muslim world.  An expert on world religions, he has lived and traveled among Muslims for more than 30 years.  He explains the mind and motives of radical Islam, telling you what you need to know about the greatest threat our nation has ever faced. –This text refers to the paperback edition.

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