Ralph Norman: Statement on World Health Organization

Contact Your Elected Officials

My office has received many calls and emails this week concerning the World Health Organization (WHO). Actually if I’m being honest, “many” is an understatement. Literally hundreds of you have reached out and I sincerely appreciate it.

For those who just want to confirm my position: I am STRONGLY opposed to this effort and plan on fighting against it at every turn.

For those who aren’t sure what I’m talking about, or those who want more details, here we go…

Later this month, the WHO will meet for what’s known as the World Health Assembly. Most of the world’s countries are invited to this summit. (Except Taiwan because everyone seems too scared to stand up to China, which wants to invade Taiwan and therefore doesn’t want Taiwan recognized as its own nation. That’s a topic for another time.)

Anyway, during this assembly, the WHO is expected to vote on amendments to the International Health Regulations and possibly a new “pandemic treaty” that could lay the foundation to vastly expand the authority of the WHO. Let’s remember the WHO failed to warn the world in a timely manner about Covid, and since then has failed miserably to help investigate the pandemic’s origin. So anything that grants the WHO more power is a major concern.

Back on May 3rd – in advance of this upcoming summit – the WHO released a draft report called “Strengthening WHO Preparedness and Response to Health Emergencies.” (I’ll link to this in the comments below.) This report is essentially a collection of ideas and thoughts on how nations, working together, could improve pandemic response in the future.

That seems like a good idea, right? What’s the problem with that? Well, in this draft report – which again, sets the stage for this upcoming summit and possible treaty – are some VERY concerning elements.

For example, ❌ there’s language in this report calling for an expansion of the “WHO’s global system for surveillance.” No thanks. ❌ It talks about technologies that could be used for digital vaccine cards and travel authorizations. That’s a non-starter and huge privacy concern. ❌ There’s even language in this report calling for the deployment of “proactive countermeasures against misinformation and social media attacks.” That would only further encourage Big Tech and news outlets to censor opinions that run counter to the WHO’s narrative. Does that sound familiar? (It should.)

So to those who have called or emailed: Yes, I have a sharp eye on this issue, and it WILL NOT have my support.

By Ralph Norman

Read Original Press Release

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