Restoring Humanity

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“False leaders and sick movements of this earth must be stopped in the beginning, for they turn humanity against itself.” ~ Jesse Owens

This quote by athlete Jesse Owens is one which twenty, or perhaps even ten, comfortable years ago would have held little significance, aside from being a good quote to yawn over and remember someday. In today’s world, we need to pull it from our memory banks.

Now, here we are: Humanity has turned against itself. You see it in the news headlines daily.

There are bushels of these “sick movements”. Often they are too sick to be put on paper. Abortion, gender “identity”, the corrupt indoctrination of schoolchildren, perverted social media platforms, and more recently, this rampant anti-Semitism—to name a very few.  

We have been duped so fast (yet so unnoticeably) that before we could say “Jack Robinson” such things have become, or are becoming, an immovable part of our culture, regardless of whether they have been accepted whole- or half- heartedly. Toleration of these movements destroys our decent world by mocking humanity. In our times, we are not only destroying humanity, but we are also creating a new definition of it, one that is repulsive and selfish. 

Such movements (which often can seem innocent) are begun by “false leaders”. They are false because they pretend to lead, when in reality they mean to tear apart. They often appeal to emotions such as fear and potential happiness to sell their sick agendas. They focus on what you deserve, what will make you feel better. Me is the new thing, the creature to be worshipped, the pivot point around which everything revolves.

If we are diligent, this sickness can be stopped in the beginning. So, be aware. Recognize evil for what it is, even if it claims to be something else. Meanwhile, do not fail to be inspired by truth and goodness.

Sadly, we no longer live in times of the white hat and black hat being analogous to good and evil. Instead, things are muddled and grayish; or in other words, neutral. Being neutral is safe, but not acceptable. We have to choose our side. We cannot stand on the line; we have to step over it, to one side or the other.

It has always been harder to stand up than to sit down—but that’s our job, yours and mine: to stand up and spark a defense of humanity as it used to be. When we stand with good, we cannot fall.

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