Roe v. Wade Movie (2021)

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Roe v. Wade Movie (2021)

Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Mildred Jefferson square off in a national battle in this untold conspiracy that led to the most famous and controversial court case in history.

The film begins with Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who launched an initiative called “The Negro Project.” She gives a speech at a KKK rally, describing her intentions to reduce the growth of the African American population by legalizing abortions. Quickly, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the most outspoken doctor performing abortions during this time, joins her cause, followed by outspoken feminist Betty Friedan. A team of activists begin to search the country, looking for a pregnant girl they can use to sue the government for her right to have an abortion. They find the perfect pawn: a young woman with a 10th grade education, struggling with poverty and other issues, named Norma McCorvey, now famously known as “Jane Roe We watch as Norma and her legal team sue Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County. 

Roe v. Wade is born. 

Now that the activists successfully had the case before both state and federal courts, they had to convince the Supreme Court Justices to vote their way.  Their advocates fed fake polls and statistics to the media, and Bernard and Betty Friedman from Planned Parenthood even brought Hollywood on board, persuading studio executives to create TV shows and movies supporting abortion. This was all done to influence public opinion and manipulate the courts. 

There were a few citizens willing to speak up for the rights of the unborn. This fight is led by the film’s protagonist, Dr. Mildred Jefferson, the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School. She joined the Catholics and a passionate group of other citizens who attempt to educate Americans on the truth, but they soon discover they are up against the most well-funded revolution in 20th century America.

New Roe v Wade Movie Tells the Real Story Behind the Famous Supreme Court Case | EWTN News Nightly

A movie is set to be released next month that will tell the inside story of one of the most famous and controversial court cases in U.S. history, Roe v Wade. The movie seeks to reveal the truth behind the landmark 1973 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion. The film’s co-writer says the real story is not the one being taught in schools. The movie opens on Good Friday, April 2nd. Executive Producer of ‘Roe v Wade’ and Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life, Dr. Alveda King, joins to talk more about this movie, her involvement and why it was important for her. The movie is said to tell the real story of how Roe v Wade was decided by the Supreme Court, Dr. King shares what is in this movie that people don’t know or would be surprised to know. She tells us why it’s important for people to watch the movie and then do research. Dr. King discusses why she believes the movie is important for everyone to see, not just pro-lifers, especially in today’s climate. She also gives her perspective on the Biden administration and what she has seen from them so far when it comes to protecting the unborn.

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