Roger Stone Exclusive: Adam Schiff Is at It Again

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Pencil-neck is at it again.

The Washington Post published a page-one above the fold story reporting that an illegally obtained audio reporting of a conversation between Congressman Matt Gaetz and me at a conservative conference in Florida in 2019 showed me asking for Gaetz’s support of a presidential pardon and reflecting precisely what Gaetz had said public ally on numerous occasions; not only did he support such a pardon but he was confident that President Trump would see the injustice and corruption of my indictment and would ultimately issue presidential clemency in my case.

The Post’s page-one “nothingburger,” actually undercut a frequent lie told by Hillary Clinton, Congressman Jerry Nadler, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries and Congressman Adam Schiff – that I had somehow traded my silence regarding unspecified wrongdoing by the President in return for clemency – an oft repeated lie for which there is no evidence nor truth.

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Within hours, the odious Adam Schiff posted a recycle of this claim on Twitter. The idea of Adam Schiff accusing anyone of lying, given his track record, is fairly entertaining in itself.

The previous weekend, Congressman Adam Schiff – who lied for over two years about having seen more than circumstantial evidence of collusion between Russian intelligence and the Trump campaign – was on CBS’s Face The Nation and claimed that the January 6th Committee had “established links between Trump advisors Roger Stone and General Michael Flynn and the extremist groups who attacked the Capitol on January 6th.”

Schiff is, of course, trying to imply that General Flynn and I had advance knowledge or were involved in some way in the illegal actions at the Capitol on January 6th, which is not only categorically false but also for which there is no evidence whatsoever. It is a classic use of the “guilt by association” tactic that Schiff and his understudy Rep. Jamie Raskin, are so adept at.

By Jim Hoft

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