School Boards Are Not Concerned About Child Safety, They’re Only Concerned About Themselves

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Steve Bannon talks to Loudon County parent activist Tiffany Polifko, vice president of Parents Against Critical Theory, about the war on parents being fought by progressive school boards across the country. Check out the hard-hitting video advertisement by the American Principles Project that ties Democrat Terry McAuliffe to this anti-parent agenda, which allows boys in girls bathrooms and puts all girls at risk.

Polifko: “This is beyond partisan. This is beyond CRT in our classrooms. This comes down to the safety of our children, and what is going to unite our community right now and what binds us all as Americans is the safety of our children when we send them to school everyday. It is exactly the Mama Bears who dug in and have been spending all their time trying to find out what exactly is happening in our schools that they are not telling us that we have uncovered.”

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